Chapter 22:

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I couldn't fight it anymore and I felt that I just had to yank the door open and tall to him, and that's literally what I did.

And I thought we would end up fighting, but we didn't.

Although, it might've led up to something so unexpected.

"Hunter, I can take the fights anymore, the secrecy. I'm sorry."

"Egan, I promise-"

"No more promises, Hunter. No more."

"What do you mean?"

"If you really want to pursue this relationship with your reputation ruined and my life in jeopardy, I don't think it will work anymore."

"Egan" I can see tears streaming down his face. "Egan, you know I love you." He cupped his hands on my face but I gently took it off me.

"Hunter, if we're still keeping this relationship but with no dates, no more worry free hang outs in public but just you and me and our friends knowing, I don't think it will work."

"Egan, it's going perfect-"

"It was going perfect, until there were flashing lights and people who love to interfere with celebrities' lives and social media website spreading rumors and candid pictures all over the internet for the whole world to see. It was going great, Hunter. Until all of that happened."

The whole time we weren't even yelling at each other, we were just talking, there were tears and breaking hearts.

"Egan, I won't let us be brought down this easily. I'm not letting you go."

"Hunter, it's difficult to agree with that decision. I'm not saying I don't agree but I'm also not saying I do. I want more time to think this through."

He looked down. "I understand."

He got up to leave and I thought he was just going to abandon me like that. But instead, he grabbed me and kissed me harder and longer than the usual. Our bitter lips crushed and my heart sank and exploded. I can feel him sob as we break from the kiss to catch our breath.

We stopped and he gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Please don't ever leave me."

That was the last thing he told me before leaving. That was the very last thing before I sugarcoated wanting to declare a cool off to think about everything.

Cool off never leads to anything good. Never.

Hunter's POV:

I've been living in sorrows for the past few days non stop thinking about Egan and scribbling lyrics onto a piece of paper which pissed me off so much since I can't even express the way I feel for Egan on a song. It's too complicated to be sung about, I'm guessing.

It was the day when I received the worse news of my life. I didn't know what I was supposed to do around those times anymore. I felt like I didn't have a purpose. It seems as though there was a spade that pierced my heart to my back. It's morbid but that's literally how I detail my physical pain towards a massive struck of heart break.

I cried all night about it. I didn't even knew I could cry as hard as this since I've never experienced this before. Sure I had dealt with heart aches in the past but I don't think I have experienced something as striking as this.

"I think this is it. It's over." Was the break up text that I couldn't stop agonizing about. I had no choice anymore. I tried everything from going to her apartment to bring back the relationship to just begging on my knees humiliating myself in front of her in desperation of wanting her back. I loved her so much and I don't think I would be able to bare this pain any longer.

I want her back.

My hand was shaking as it drops the pen on the desk and there were tears soaking the paper I was trying to write a song on.

"Don't do this, Egan. Please don't do this." I begged, but she couldn't hear me anymore, nor would she be able to hear my pleads anymore, anywhere. "Don't leave me, please. Egan, don't leave me." I've been whispering to myself for the whole motionless fifteen minutes while sitting in front of my desk trying to write a song for her.

"Don't leave me; don't do this to me...don't I love you."

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