Chapter 18:

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I told Cherry that I'll be right back and will just answer the door and she waited. It didn't take long enough to go to the living room, open the door and tell Hunter that I'm video chatting with Cherry, who now knows that I'm with him, so he wasn't scared on heading towards my bedroom like it's his own. He didn't even bothered asking if it's okay with her. Since Cherry's my best friend he's assured already that she'll never tell.

"You sure you didn't want coffee?"

"Egan, I literally just had coffee ten minutes ago."

"Well I'm actually surprised you're not craving for more."

"Me too, actually." He laughed.

I plugged my laptop on the television once again for a bigger screen. "Cherry..."

"Oh my god! Oh my god!"

"Meet Hunter."

Hunter waved at her and I could've sworn she lost her shit after.

"I thought that wasn't legit!"

"That wasn't a lie!"

"So, you're my...son-in-law?" Cherry joked and Hunter gave a confused look.


"Oh, see, me and Cherry has this thing ever since tenth grade where I call her mom and she calls me daughter."

"That's still on going?"

"It's unbelievable, isn't it?" Cherry chuckled. "Once a little girl, always a little girl."

Hunter tried to understand the conversation but I can read his face that he can't, so I laughed at him.

"Hey, you guys cuddle. I really have to go. My dad wants to video chat too."

"Tell your dad we said hi!"

"Okay, bye! Oh, and Hunter, take care of her, okay? I'm entrusting my daughter to you."

"I won't let you down, ma'am!"


She turned off the video chat and Hunter immediately kissed my neck.

"Babe?" I was backing away from him. "Babe. Babe!"

"What?" He took his lips off me.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I want to cuddle. What's wrong?"

I smiled at him. "Just curious." I held on his nape pushing his face back on my neck. Then he continued to kiss me, I can feel his heavy breath and I thought he was intentionally arousing me. I gave in.

"I thought you'll stay in the studio longer" I giggled while putting my leg up his waist. He was on top of me. Thrusting a little bit. My fingers run through his hair.

"Well, I missed you already."

"That's ridiculous, you're obviously just horny."

He shrugged. "Admittedly."


We didn't speak for few seconds then he looked at me in the eye. His blue eyes seemed like it's shimmering and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.


"Why not?"


At the end we're laid down the bed, cuddling and him running his fingers up and down my bare back while I lie down on my stomach, relaxing.

"You know I love you, right?"

"I do."

"How did you know?" He laid down on his belly also, and faced me.

"Because I can feel it."

"Feel what?"

"I don't know but, I just have this out of the ordinary feeling when someone loves me." He turned to lie on his back and I moved to rest my head on his chest and I could feel it rise up and down. "Y'know, you can definitely tell based on how they treat you. When someone loves you they wouldn't tolerate not making an effort just to make you feel wanted."

"Is that a pun?"

"Maybe." I chuckled.

"It's unfathomable, you know?"

"That's why I didn't have any plans to further describe the feeling. It's too complicated to make a description. The only thing I could say, is it's the best feeling ever. Indescribable yet the most beautiful thing ever."

"I agree."

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