Chapter 8:

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"It's almost lunch" he says, looking at his phone, reading the time.

"Yeah" I glanced down on the thought that he's going to leave and that's sad, but I sure had a great time.

He faced me, smiling. "What do you want to eat?"

"What do you mean?" my eyebrows raised and I sat down properly. I expected a different statement like 'I have to go' or something.

"Come on, I would like to know about you more!" He unlocks his phone "and you're sick, you need someone to take care of you."

"How would I know you're not going to take advantage of me?"

"How would know you're not going to take advantage of me?" he returned back again. We both giggled.

"Come on, what'd you like for lunch?" he asked again, poking me in the arm.

"Lasagna?" I say surely, but my tone of voice made it sound really hesitant.

"Okay, I know a place. We'll just let them deliver" he dials the number and I got up, aiming to go to my bedroom, feeling a little better.

Until I tripped down on the flat floor out of tiredness and sickness. That was extremely mortifying.

I might not see it, but I can hear him cracking up and trying to stop himself from laughing at me. He chuckles as he goes and help me out.

"Where are you going anyway?"

"I'm going to my room to get my card, I'm paying."

"No, you're not."

"Yes I am! This is my house so I'm paying" I argued.

"No, I got the idea of someone to come and deliver food in your place so I'm paying." he helps me up and our hands kind of touched. Goddammit.

"I don't mind" he looked really glad. "Don't worry about it."

We sat down the couch as he calls and orders food. I looked down at my phone and there are several text messages from Cherry this time.


Hey, you haven't texted since. Did something happen?


Tell me how did the date go?


Hey, are you seriously okay? You're worrying me. You could've texted me what happened last night, good or bad.

"Who's that?" he glanced down my phone, then back on me.

"Just my best friend, Cherry."

"Did you tell her about what happened last night?"

"Not yet. I never told her about anything and now she's too worried about me."

"Why don't you tell her about it?"

"I just didn't want to talk about anything regarding what happened because it hurts like hell. Also, I didn't want her asking questions about you and...stuff" I wanted to say ruthless rumors but it might be a little shallow for him.

"It's alright."

"Hey, can I be honest with you?"


"You know you don't have to do this, right?"

"Do what?"

"Take care of me, go here and check up on me. You know some people would think that helping somebody go home is already enough but you managed to pay a visit and even took time to get to know me when you should be with your guitar right now writing songs."

"I ran out of inspiration" he shrugged. "'s because you seem really nice and everything and..."


We stared blankly at each other for a couple of seconds, both speechless. I'm anticipating for an answer and he's trying to find the words on his reply. My mind began theorizing what he's going to say. Finally, he decided to just spit it out. He breathed in deeply. "You're beautiful"

I looked down, then back at him. He bowed, looking at his phone even though it's not even on. It's like he's studying it. The moment was extremely awkward because I didn't know what to say and he's obviously speechless on his sudden and quick confession.

Then he sighed. "Too soon?"

"It's alright."

"I'm really sorry."

"But you didn't do anything."

"But I made the whole thing awkward, didn't I?" his chest rises, then falls. "I just...I can't keep my feelings to myself, okay? I just feel the need to release it and let the person know that I like them or whatever. I just had to. I have troubles keeping it to myself because, I feel like the person ought to know."

"I think that's really cute" I commented but then realize what I've said after a few seconds. "I mean, it's great that you never let an opportunity with that person slip away." I didn't know what to say anymore, to be honest, so I just tend to say random stuff that comes in my mind that is related to the case. I blushed.

"Is it alright?" he takes both of my hand and looked at me straight in the eyes. His blue eyes fascinated me.

I smiled "It's cool."

He strived to change the subject. "By the way, food is on the way. In twenty minutes it should be here" he simpered, looking down his phone then back to me. "Are you already craving?" He let go of my hand.

"Honestly, yes, but I'll be fine. I ate two loaves of bread so I think I'll be okay." I tittered and the sleaves of my sweater fell and covered my palms, leaving my fingers.

"What do you want to do on the meantime?"

"Well I've been telling things about myself. I think it's now your turn" I gleamed and his face drew a lopsided grin. It was honestly really adorable.

You just met him, Egan. You can't fall for him now? He just met you too, he can't just fall for you that fast?

What the hell am I thinking? Maybe he just thinks I'm beautiful, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he's already in love with me. 

Frankly, I never believed in love at first sight. Maybe that's just a first impression, but I don't think novels and movies could ever come to life and just try and search for that guy you met and had a little small chat in a train just because he's attractive. I don't think it will also be that easy. Sometimes, we develop a mini crush on somebody we bumped on the street, but that doesn't make you already obsessed with the guy, unless you're too desperate to be loved, which is something that I don't possess. The right time will come, the right guy will come, it will be difficult to find him but as redundant as it sounds, it will all be worth the wait in the end.

I may have been staring at nowhere as I gather my thoughts in one and also debating with myself. Hunter snapped his fingers in front of me, then he waved. "Are you alright?"

"What?" I shook my head, becoming aware of my odd gestures. "What's up?"

"You're stunned. Are you in pain?"

"No! No...just...don't worry about it?"

"Are you mad?"

"No, why would I be mad?" I smirked. "You're making me feel so much better, what could possibly be the reason why I'm mad?"

"Just paranoid."

"Ah" I ducked. "Don't be. I'm not mad, okay?" My hand rested on his shoulder for seconds. He's relieved.

"Now, tell me more about yourself." I asked, my voice gentle. He snickered.

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