Chapter 17:

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"A friend" I replied nervously, but I didn't make it obvious.

"A friend?" she was suspicious. "You've never mention someone named Hunter before."

Shit. "Well he's a friend back in..."


"He's from Louisiana and he knows Reece. He was friends with him."

"How did you know him?"

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit Shit.

"I don't know how he found out my number, but somebody told him that Reece bullshitted me and he wanted to help."

"Have you met him?"

"No" I lied. I didn't want her insisting to meet the guy.

"How can you be so sure if you can trust him? He got your number without the knowledge of who the hell gave it to him and now he's"-air quote-"'helping' you? How can you assure he won't take advantage of you like what Reece did to you? He must been someone that asshole sent to spy on you and now he's convincing you to-"

"Relax! I've talked to this guy a couple of times and he's really nice."

"Don't judge the book by its cover. Are you even friends with him on social networking websites or have any ideas what he looks like?" He's a Country music superstar! I wanted to tell her, but her questions will be doubled and I can't stand her curious mind when it comes to these.

"No" I faked once again. "I don't and I'm sorry. But I'm a little more careful now. So far I haven't given him any personal information-" lies. These are all lies. You are a liar. My mind whispered, mid sentence. "Just what happened to me and Reece that night. Don't worry about it" I continued.

"What the hell do you mean I shouldn't worry about that? A stranger is trying to interfere with your life 'wanting' to help you with 'open arms' and naturally no good boys would do that without getting to know you first."

"Look, I don't like to talk about this anymore. Let's just leave him be. Promise I'll tag you along when I finally get to meet him in person" lies. All lies. My mind repeated.

The table turned silent and after what appears to be like two minutes. She turned to face me once again. Calmed down, she asked, "Hey, this Hunter guy...this isn't that Country heartrob from your apartment right?"

"I have no idea who you're talking about." Lies. All lies. You are a damn lie. Liar.

"Oh my gosh!" she had her jaw dropped, looking at me with disbelief. "You don't know Hunter Hayes?"

"I don't know him" I told her with a straight face. Not sounding so impressed or excited or anything. Naturally, girls my age would react like "Oh my God there's a Country music hottie that lives in the same apartment building as I do!" and all of that crap, but I tried to be emotionless. All bored for whatever information I'm being fed up. Or at least I pretend to be bored.

"How are you not surprised?"

"Because I don't even know who the hell this Hunter Hayes guy is."

"Oh my gosh, I tell you he's so hot. You might have an encounter with him in an elevator and you didn't know."

"I honestly don't care."

"Here, I'll show you a picture" she grabbed her phone and I stared at her with my left eyebrow raised.

"You have a picture of him saved on your phone?"

"Pictures...with an s."

"Govanne, that's just creepy as hell. Stop doing that." I don't know whether I really find this sort of deed creepy or I just know the guy personal-not meant to brag.

"Everybody does it!" I wanted to cringe but I decided just to accept that some people are doing things like that. Which is something I don't get. I don't think I'd feel good knowing I have thousands of pictures in a strangers phone, but I think I would be okay with it if I was a celebrity, but I still wonder how they feel about it.

She showed me a picture of Hunter performing somewhere and he was sort of smiling. It's like he's so grateful about performing towards a sea of people. His mouth near the microphone, his eyes looked beautiful and blue, his cross necklace hanging there. He was wearing a dark shirt with what appears has only a thin layer of fabric. His guitar strap shown and has "For The Love Of Music" written on it in red ink. "I think I've seen him. He's" I told her.

She giggled and placed her phone back to the table, screen locked and facing down. "I told you so. So did you really have an encounter with him in an elevator now that you could recognize him?"

The flashback of me wearing a soaking wet peplum dress, his jacket wrapped around me, my heels hung on my two fingers, my soaking wet clutch bag on my free hand and my aching feet that had wounds from walking too much in heels appeared on my mind and the time we were at the elevator and I was looking at my phone. The time when he walked me to my apartment door and the very first time he mentioned my name, reappeared on my memory.

"I don't think I have been with him in an elevator before, or at least I don't think I had noticed. He's probably busy on the studio or doing concerts or something. I think he's not really usually there in his apartment. He has to be somewhere else every single day. Running into him suddenly in the elevator would be the rarest moment."

"Rarest moment for anyone else but you and maybe the people in your apartment building or people that's from the same floor as his apartment."

"I would leave him alone" I laughed.


"What happened today?" Hunter asked, sitting down his couch. He asked me to come by after I'm dismissed. It was already 9 o'clock

"Govanne became suspicious about"-air quote-"'This Hunter guy' and I'm kind of nervous to tell her because she's insane about you."

"Insane?" He looked up facing me while fiddling with his guitar pick on his hand.

"Insane! Like, she have loads of picture of you in her phone! She was asking me if this Hunter guy isn't Hunter Hayes and she asked a hell lot of questions about you since she has an idea that you live in the same building."

He giggled. "Wow!" He reacted, but his facial expression tells me that he's too used to it now-too used to the girls obsessing over him and millions of his pictures on their phones.

"Eh, you're used to it" I swung my hand gesturing like he should just ignore it.

"Well if you come to think about it, normally it's creepy but that's no new news for me anymore. At first it was very creepy because I never knew that it's the process of 'fangirls'"

"So you're really used to it now?"

"I have to. Now it's no big deal for me anymore which is great." He smiled.

I looked at my watch and it reads 9:43. It's getting late and I have to go.

"Hey Hunt, I have some test and important lessons involving my future tomorrow and I think I have to go."

"What time are you going home?"

"I'm not sure. I'll just text you when I'm on the way home, but if I didn't it either means I'm still in the campus or already at home but with Govanne." I picked up my small red backpack from his couch and walked towards the door. He followed me.

As I got out of his apartment, I turned to him once again and he was staring at me right in the eye. It's like his blue eyes is shimmering or whatever. It really is beautiful.

"Good night?"

"Good night" I nodded and he smiled one last time before closing the door. I'm convinced this had became a daily habit now.

I went to my apartment and prepared myself to sleep, thinking about what might happen to me tomorrow.

I checked my phone, there are no messages from Reece, there's just one from Cherry asking what happened today. It's not really that of a big deal anymore.

And I'm actually thankful Reece didn't waste his time that day to bother me, but despite that, I'm still freaked out.

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