Chapter 17:

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"Cherry, are you there?" I video chatted with her the night I got in a massive fight with Hunter about all these secret love crap.

"I'm here, babe. What's wrong?"

"Well...I'm really sorry if..."

"If what?"

"I never told about this earlier. I should've months ago."

"Well that's fine. At least you're telling me about it now. What is it?"

"Do you know this Hunter Hayes guy?"

"I do! I love his songs and he's dreamy as fuck. I swear I kind of have fantasies towards him." Of course she's my best friend. She would tell me literally everything. Even the most gruesome sexual secrets she has.

"Oh okay, so are you all having sexual fantasies towards Hunter Hayes?"

"What do you mean 'You all'?"

"Even Govanne is obsessed with thinking about him naked. What is going on?"

"Well, he's pretty hunky you must admit."

"And a good kisser."

Her face printed a shocked expression after what I just said.

"Holy shit."


'"What did you just say?"

"He's a good kisser."

"You get to kiss him?"

"Few many times, I must admit."

"Are you guys together?!"


"You little slut. Tell me everything!"

"Okay, okay! Remember that time we attended the batch reunion gathering and I was trying to show off to Reece? Well, it was that night."

"You are a liar."

"No! Let me explain. When I ran away from Reece, I was walking home and rain began to pour. I told you that I walked myself the way home? That''s a damn lie and I never thought you would actually buy it expecting me to spend six hundred hours of my life walking myself in the pouring rain while crying helpless. I was actually sitting on the bench and suddenly felt someone sheltering me with an umbrella. It was him.

He welcomely and willingly wanted to drive me home but I refused at first. Then he recognized me as someone from his apartment building which he got right. So he drove me home, gave me his jacket, then the next morning he visited me on my place. It turns out he lives on the apartment doors away from me. He checked on me and we hung out. He cheered me up, he took care of me. He even ordered food for me and paid for it. He was a true gentleman.

Then we started to hang out even more, until such time that we finally got to know each other. I'll skip to that time he said he'll be leaving for months for the new tour so I got sad. He invited me on a fancy friendly dinner date. We promised each other there would be no strings attached. That's when the unexpected happened.

He gave me a rose and admitted that he liked me during the dinner date, and that was the time I was actually starting to fall for him too. Then the following day or so, we said our goodbyes. I didn't think it would be the first time I finally get to kiss him. Holy shit, Cherry. It was the best feeling ever. Ich hatte schmetterlinge im bauch. It was the most magical thing I've ever experienced. Cherry, I'm telling you. It was the best, ever."

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