Chapter 3:

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The clock struck 8:58am and I haven't gotten any rest yet. This is the point where I felt absolutely tired so I had to cut off our mini date-mini reunion at her place because it felt like my eyelids are heavy and wanting to fall down for me to sleep.

"See you later" I told her, giving her another kiss on the cheek. "I love you!"

"I love you too" she looked at me like she doesn't really want me to go already and at the same time she understands that I'm pretty exhausted.

I walked out and to my apartment. The exact moment that I have reached my door, I saw the elevator open revealing Govanne. I reached for the keys to the apartment.

She ran close to me with her jaw dropped on the floor. "Oh my god!"

"Oh, hey" I greeted. I tried to act as normal as I can. I'll just go with the flow on Egan's plan about not letting her friends know that we're dating.

"Oh my God, Hunter Hayes!"


"I'm Govanne Badeux, a Hayniac."

"Nice to meet you, Govanne. What are you doing here this early?" I pretended not to know she's heading to Egan's place as usual.

"I'm going to my friend's place" I knew it. "Egan Miller, is she familiar?"

I shrugged. "Five feet and one inch tall, blonde hair, is that her?"

"Oh my God how did you know?"

"I see her a lot walking in these halls while I'm heading to the studio" I lied. "It was a pretty nice guess, I think."

"Well, I think she's waiting for me now. Catch you later! Nice to meet you, Hunter!"

"Nice to meet you Govanne!" I said while pushing the door entering my apartment.

Egan's POV:

I took a small peek of what's happening outside and I could've sworn I saw Govanne talking to Hunter and rest assured she will freak out once she gets here.

My door was already shut when I received a loud knock on the door. I'm assuring it's her so called 'excited knock' as she explained when she met another Country singer on an elevator in a hotel. Which annoys me every time she does it. Although she warned me that she will do it every time something awesome happens.

I waited for five knocks before I yanked the door open and acted like I just woke up.

"What the hell?" I yawned as she walks in my apartment really hyper. "It's nine am and you're knocking too loud. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You'll never believe whom I encountered near your apartment today" she broke news and shrieked in an extremely high pitch while drilled my ears.

"Is it someone relevant?" I faked sounding bored and sleepy.

"Yes it is! I just met Hunter Hayes!"

"Picture or it didn't happen" I dared.

"I didn't bother. He looked very tired."

"I can't believe you'd actually understand when a person is tired. I thought you were too ignorant to do such thing."

"Screw you, of course I could tell. I'm not that stupid." She walked to the kitchen and I quickly sprinted there and asked what she likes to eat.

"What if I want lasagna?" She knew it was a difficult food for me to make, since it involves four types of cheese and a hell load of dishes to wash after. It takes like four hours to make too.

"Come on, I know you're already starving."

"Mushroom soup" she picked seriously this time.

As I prepared the soup for us two to eat, I asked her to share the experience of meeting Hunter for the first time. I had my phone near me just so I could rapidly text Hunter if he ever told anything about us. He's totally dead if he did. But I doubt he would.

"Okay, so I was walking on the corridor and I went straight to him while he's in front of his apartment because I couldn't help not missing the opportunity to meet him."

"What happened next?"

"He asked me where I was going and I mentioned your name and asked if you're ever familiar to him."

I stopped what I'm doing and clutched on my phone. I can feel my heart skipping a beat this time.

But if he ever really told something about us then she would have been flipping out on me right now.

"What did he say?"

"He recognizes you as that...five feet and one inch tall blonde girl who walks through the halls every morning. You didn't tell me you already had an encounter with him?"

"I don't know. I can't remember. But if he remembers me then I guess that's your answer."

"Probably." She shrugged.

I let go of my phone and sighed in relief, but I didn't make it obvious. The weight in my chest suddenly disappeared. I guess Hunter just went with what I wanted to happen instead of breaking it and revealing to my friends that he really knows me. Or worse: tell them that we're dating.


"You what?"

"Hey, it's just one time, okay? I promise you I'll be safe."

"Govanne, I told you you shouldn't really trust people you met from the internet."

"It's just an eyeball on the mall. It won't hurt a fly."

"I'd rather if you would pick to go on a movie marathon with me than go on a date with some unfamiliar random guy from the internet. Do you know how much danger you're putting yourself in with this kind of action?"

"Chill, Egan." She squeezed my arm and walking out the door. "I'll call if something's wrong."

"How can you call if something's wrong? What if he's already kidnapping you?"

"I could just tell the guy I have to go to the restroom then call you up in a cubicle. I promise I'll be safe. Bye Egan."

"Bye Govanne." I responded without any excitement and there's dullness on my face.

"Is there something wrong?"

"I'm just too worried about you, okay? Boys are assholes typically. You would trigger them to be as cruel as they can be especially when you're easy to get. You're already entrusting your life to a guy you just talked to a day ago by meeting him in a mall?"

"A mall here in Nashville so I'd still be here. Chill."

"I won't chill. Not unless you cancel the date or made it home in one piece and not pregnant."

"I'll be okay." That's everything she could tell me then left. I watched her go and enter the elevator until it closed with few people inside.

I stared at nowhere a few seconds then Hunter's door opened. He appeared and looked through the halls to make sure Govanne was gone.

"How did you know she was leaving already?"

"I look through my peep hole several times every five minutes, I guess. That's why I always knew."

"Hunter that's so creepy!"

"I was looking forward to see you again, come on" he locked the door and the metal ring that binds his keys together is around his finger. Then he came to my apartment.

"Oh right, I want to pay up. I wasn't here for you for many months, so I guess I have to pay up."

"You're already paying up by spending time with me here. What more do you want to do?"

"Another date? Right after a concert I'll be appearing in a day after. I'll give you tickets to attend there and I'll get someone to fetch you and lead you backstage. Is that okay?"

"Sure...but wouldn't that be a little pricey?"

"Actually no. It's a little cheaper than the usual. You don't have to worry about it." He explained, pinching my cheek.

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