Chapter 13:

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Hunter's POV:

"Hey man, I need you to help me with this one." I unzipped the pocket of my backpack and got the paper where I wrote the first idea of the lyrics for the song.

"Oh right, it's that song you were talking about, right?"

"Yes!" It was 10:36pm and I'm still awake with my guitar and coffee, sitting down with the table and my laptop with Sam on my side. None of us felt tired-or at least that's how I look at it.

"Let's see what you got."

"I wrote this part" I unfolded the paper and the presentation looked all scratch and wrinkly, but my handwriting was still understandable-thank goodness.

The lyrics I've thought of is still written in there, I can still remember the tune I made for it. I am still able to recall everything.

We get so close but we never touch

Gotta wear this mask for just long enough

To get away from all the eyes that stare us down

"This is actually a pretty great idea, Hunter. What's the tune of that?"

I strummed a few chords to the first line already and sang it to him. I could tell he was thinking of another line to add up.

After hours and hours of trials and errors, we've finally come up with perfect lyrics that matches with the first verse perfectly. We even had thought about the chorus but the second verse wasn't finished yet. Although we both shared our ideas on it.

We get so close but we never touch

Gotta wear this mask for just long enough

To get away from all the eyes that stare us down

Like two criminals with the dream to steal

Not a trace to be found of the way we feel

With our hearts on line, we give in and we get away

Secret love

All the things we do

Secret love

Baby me and you

Got a secret love

Stayin' undercover and out of sight

If nobody knows, then we're doing it right

Secret love

Got a secret love

When you're living a life that you gotta deny

When you feel how we feel but you gotta keep lyin

It's only gonna mess you up inside

We stopped there because we got extremely tired and there'll be a long day ahead of us. So we decided to just give it a rest and continue writing tomorrow. I was hoping there would be more progress on the song because they are few appearances and interviews. It's pretty much stressing.

And while writing a song, I've felt missing Egan once again. I was about to call her on Skype but then I realized it's probably 11am in America and she's already in class once again. I hope she would feel better this time.

So I texted her.


Hey baby! Have a good day today. I know you can do it. I love you and I miss you! I hope you feel a lot better than yesterday.

She didn't reply, nor have read the message, and I was dead tired and I couldn't fight my eyes closing anymore, so I just slept instead of waiting for her reply. I suppose she's already too busy with paperworks and I didn't want to interrupt, so I'm okay with her not replying at the moment. She's stressing out and I'm not adding to that. But I just want her to feel better.

Days later, I finally had kissed the piece of paper I was writing the lyrics on, and Sam invited me for a high five. We had finally finished the song and I was pleased with the result. Very pleased.

We get so close but we never touch

Gotta wear this mask for just long enough

To get away from all the eyes that stare us down

Like two criminals with the dream to steal

Not a trace to be found of the way we feel

With our hearts on line, we give in and we get away


Secret love

All the things we do

Secret love

Baby me and you

Got a secret love

Stayin' undercover and out of sight

If nobody knows, then we're doing it right

Secret love

Got a secret love

When you're living a life that you gotta deny

When you feel how we feel but you gotta keep lyin

It's only gonna mess you up inside

When you walk by each other in a crowded room

And nobody sees how I'm lookin at you

But we'll meet in a minute at the rendezvous

Only you know what I mean

[Repeat chorus]

We're in love but nobody knows

We're in love but nobody knows

We're in love but nobody knows it yet

Are we in love if nobody knows?

Are we in love if nobody knows?

Are we in love if nobody knows it yet?

I guess it's a secret

[Repeat chorus]

Are we in love if nobody knows?

We in love if nobody knows

Are we in love if nobody knows?

Then I guess it's a secret

I had to trace that part to make it bolder, like it's the whole representation of the relationship I'm currently in, that I support. Although I'm not really planning on giving out hints. I just made an alibi that I was bored so I traced that certain phrase, but in reality there's actually a meaning behind it. A meaning that they wouldn't know...for now, I'm guessing.

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