Tips (5)

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 I've learned some lil tips I've learned,

1) Here's a tip for pants that I really don't see often. If you're parents don't let you go in the men's section, you are closeted, or some other reason that you wear pants that just cling to all wrong parts and make you look to feminine, try bootcut jeans,

It could just be my body shape or something like that, but they make my hips, and legs straighten out, and hide all those feminine-like features.

2) If you're in school, and have to wear a backpack, try and keep it as light as possible, and carry any heavy objects because it kinda puffs your chest out. (Again, might just be my body type)

3) If it's shark week and you're feeling dysphoric about changing you're... yeah... Try to find the ones that last 8 to 10 hours. Although honestly I think you should change often, it still something you can do, to lessen dysphoria.

And um, it gives you a mini bulge too... (lol)

That's all I can think of right now, so later.

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