Coming Out to My Other Grandma (150)

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So, I came out to my other grandma today. Apparently my mom told my dad to pick me up from school so I could have that talk with her then, which was something I was already planning on, since I knew she was coming.

I tried two times. The first time, she had came out of the coffee shop and asked me if I wanted a drink, and I said, "No, I already am T... In the LGBT community."

She didn't hear the last part, so I didn't bother repeating, especially cause that was honestly a shit joke.

And then I said, "I wish I was a lime, because then someone would eat me and put me out of my misery." *More like I felt like making a stupid reference, even tho she wouldn't get it*

Anyways, she asked what kinda misery I was in, and I just came out, and told her about "Armpit Pube", which is the misery I'm in, because he ticks me off.

She said she was fine with it, and even told me a story about when she danced with a lesbian, which even though gender and sexuality are different things, it's still cool to know that...


Sorry, I'm being weird rn, I did basically nothing except pack a few things, put them in my dad's truck, and answered my one, and final question on the state test.

Yeah, and then she asked how I knew, and I told her I found out when reading a book called "The Other Boy" and she asked to read it when we get backed to the house in a few days,

Idk, I knew she's be accepting, I'm just happy rn.

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