Old Photos (48)

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  Okay, so my mom has photos around the house of me when I presented as female. This morning I suggested we get new family photos and take old ones down, because I really don't want to see those damn photos.

  When I asked her response was, "You should be proud of who you are. You were born female! It's not going to change."

  The thing is, it's not even that. I'm proud I'm trans, and I don't give a shit that I was born female, but that doesn't mean I want to see those pictures.

  When I told her that she just rephrased the same words,

  I also said that she can wait till school starts next year too, because that's when I do need them down, since I'll be going to my neighborhood school.

  And she said the same thing, even after I tried to explain why.

  I mean, she's more supportive than other parents, but still, some of the shit she says is ignorant, and sometimes rude, and when I say something about it, she gets pissed off.

  Tbh I'm probably just going to rip them off the walls. I don't give a shit rn about getting introuble.

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