My Brain's Odd Way Of Relieving Dysphoria and Depression (49)

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*Yay 600, thanks*

   Okay, my brain does this weird frickin thing when I'm in a shitty mood where it'll come up with some bullshit to counteract the thought or mood.

  Idk if that exactly made sense, but here's some odd examples:

Me: Damn it, shark week.... I hate that I'm not a cis boy, then I would have to deal with this shit.
Brain: But you are a cis boy... You just got bit by a shark in your second asshole.

*Probably one of my weirdest lmao*

Me: Ugh, I wish I had a peen..
Brain: Oh but you do, it's just microscopic.


Me: I hate my breasticles.... Can't I fucking chop them off? They shouldn't be there anyways.
Brain: They're actually manboobs, not breasticles, so you're fine.

And another response my brain thought of for this was....

Brain: Seems like your testies were deformed and misplaces, whoops.

Sometimes it's not even trans related, like the other day this happened:

Me: Fuck, I'm kinda fat.
Brain: Nah, bro, u just ate a giant marshmellow that hasn't decomposed in the acid yet

I think it's a defense mechanism so I don't get depressed as easy and fast, but either way, I think my brain needs help.... And I do too, cause a lot of the time this somehow helps, like wtf me? Lol.

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