THE CISSSSS.... *T* (141)

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I swear the cissss.... t. *ily if you know where that's from* are hilarious sometimes... Here are my coming out stories for the day:


In first period, I thought everyone already knew, but I guess not, cause I have two different stories from this class, here's the first one...

For some reason, these two boys were arguing with Nutella and Franny about whether or not my hair was red, ginger, or orange, and they kept saying "her" and "she" so Franny and Nutella kept saying,

"You're offending HIM!" *Extra emphasis on the him.

After 5 minutes, the one guy, uh, *google searches weird names* ...Yago, thinks he has it, but he's still on the red hair thing. After a couple of tries, Framny and Nutella say,

"She is a he, and his name is Garren." And Yago's jaw drops, since he finally gets it, and the other boy... *searches for more odd names* Jazziah, is confused.

Then the teacher thinks they're being transphobic, and causes a scene, but no one really knows who they're talking about.

And then Nutella and I start dying of laughter, since it took them so long, and then Yago and Jazziah come back, and then whatever happened.


Okay, here's the other 1st period coming out story:

This one girl, um.... Abedabun... has been absent, so Franny tells her and she says, "But you look like a lady!"

And then after Franny tries to explain more, she says, "You're forcing her to be transgendered!"

*yeah Franny! yOu'Re fOrCiNg mE tO bE tRaNsGeNdErED!*

Then a kid... Byrgir... says, "Is that even real?"

Not sure if he was referring to being trans *which I doubt, since he's one of the smarter kids, but you never know* or forcing people to be transgender *which is true, you can't force someone to be transgender*

Then we have to start testing, but after we continue the conversation, and Abedabun keeps misgendering me, and Franny tells her, "You're killing him everytime you call him a her."

And Abedabun takes it litterally, but we explain that it's dying inside, not outside, or physically.

Then after more explaining on what Transgender and Gender Dysphoria is, she finally gets it, and uses an analogy: "Oh, so he's wearing a lady suit!"

And I decide that's close enough, and explain that I can't take my lady suit off, and the onky way to fix my lady suit is with surgery.

Then Franny tells her about my bag of dicksocks, and Abedabun thinks that they had said soft dick, and then, somehow someone *either Franny or Nutella, idk my memory is shit* came up with this, "Yeah, and the lady suit is pregnant because that's what happens when a man goes inside a woman."


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