Second Cousin's Birthday (58)

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*800, thanks, again,*

  So, last night I had to go to my second cousin's *my cousin's kid* birthday party, and I used that as a way to come out... but not really.

   I just wrote my name as Garren on the birthday card, and put Garren as my name on the bowling screen, and people got the memo.

   Even though the first time I met these guys, which was a couple months ago, they figured it out, or atleast my cousin's husband did, so he wasn't suprised.

   Then when I met my other cousin, who I hadn't seen since I was too young to remember, seemed to understand right away. Idk if he knows I'm trans, or thinks my dad has two cis boys. I'm going to assume it's the first one, and he just really doesn't give two shits about it, and treated me like a normal guy.

  Tmi maybe....? I also learned that I need to put on way more deodorant, because I was wearing my binder, and I bowled two games, *idk how to phrase it, but it's 6 in the morning and I just woke up so idc* and played three rounds of lazer tag. After that I was drenched in sweat, and it stunk... I'm suprised it wasn't hard to breathe though, especially because I have asthma too...

   I also learned that I can handle a lot more shit if I'm recognized as male. Once I went bowling and golfing with this family, only them, 4 people, my grandma, and my family, which was only 10 people. I couldn't do anything after 5 minutes.

  But this time, I was out doing stuff for 3 to 4 hours, bowling, lazer tag, arcade games, etc. with 20 to 30 people. I was perfectly fine. Heck, I even ate infront of people, which is something I don't do.

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