Maybe getting a binder?? (27)

438 27 4

Rn I actually love my siblings for once lol

So it's easter as you may know, *happy easter if you celebrate, btw* and my siblings are still young and don't know. So my mom asked me what I wanted in my easter basket. I didn't frickin know, so I told her whatever.

Well, since she couldn't figure out what to get me, she gave me 30$ that I can spend however I want,

I had been looking up binders the previous day, because my chest dysphoria is slaying me rn.

So I went onto gc2b's website and looked up how much the white tritop binder cost, and it was 33$ *not including tax*. I already had 2 extra dollars from... I dunno what, so that put me at 32$, And then i tore up the rest of the house and found enough money to buy it.

So yeah, I might get a binder soon which is super exciting.

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