I can pick out a queer themed book too easily (154)

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This weekend I went to some weird, small book shop *it was actually really nice though* and they sell used books *I assume so at least, because two of my books were signed, and one of them was addressed to someone named Lindy, and that's clearly not my name... at least not yet, please don't add that to the list, I have too many to count already*

Anyways, there wasn't an LGBTQ+ section, but I somehow managed to pick up three books, two of them being about trans people.

Um, I think I'm just a little too queer at this point...

Nah, I don't think that's possible.

The books were actually pretty good, though they were kinda at a lower level *at least for me*

The first one I read was called "George" and it's by Alex Gino. It is about an MtF child, named Melissa, so you might not be able to relate, but I personally think it's still a good read.

  The next one I read was called "Freakboy" by Kristin Elizabeth Clark. It's about someone trying to find their place along the transgender spectrum, and 

*spoiler alert?*

 eventually identifies as genderfluid, the girlfriend, Vanessa, trying to keep their relationship going while they're figuring themself out, and a transwoman, Angel who helps the genderfluid character, Brendon, figure out their gender identity.

I dunno, it was really good to read something LGBTQ+ related, since I've only ever read three other books about the community. *Why are they so hard to find???*

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