Feeling bad about correcting stuff (127)

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  I kinda feel bad about correcting stuff sometimes, mainly with my mom, since she gets all defensive on me, saying "Well, I'm an idiot, I'll never get this right! Stop being so snippy!"

  Which, yeah, I do have a tone when I say it, but it's the same tone I say practically everything else in *Unless I actually really enjoy your company, which is kinda rare, mainly because I hate people and socializing... There's like, 3 people, I can say that I'm fine socializing with, but even then they still have their moments where I'd rather not... Cause I'm an antisocial dickwad.*

  Like today, my mom was talking about a girl problem with me, and I stopped her and said, "Okay, would you tell *insert cis brother's name here* this? If not, I don't wanna fucking hear it."

  And I don't, because I'm a guy, and I want to be fucking treated like one. Which means, no women talk, even if that women talk would save my life, don't tell me, because I'd end up killing myself afterwards because dysphoria's a bitch.

Anyways, she got mad at me, and now I feel like more of a dick than I usually do *and I usually feel like a dick 99% of the time*

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