Pin Reactions (197)

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*ahhhh 3 more chapters*

When I was giving out the pins, there were two reactions I loved, that have made my entire life time.

One, one of the girls screamed in excitement,

And then two, is going to be a story. We're gonna name this boy... *looks up weird names, after looking at a LGBTQ+ camp in my state* Bibsbebe *even tho it's actually a girls name, who cares, it starts with Bi*

Anyways, Bi had talked in the discussion in social studies, and apparently *Maybe this was cover up, I'm not sure* he has a gay brother, and his mom says being gay is okay, but he still has a hard time with it.

At the end of class, Nutella brings him up, and asks for a Bisexual pride pin for him, and he explains that he isn't accepting of his own identity, and that he's scared and ashamed. He stuttered a lot, paced, and when I told him to wear the pin and be proud, he told me he was afraid someone would harrass him.

I told him that I would kick anyone's ass who did, and he just smiled.

Baby queers are cute, but also make me depressed, because they shouldn't have to be afraid to be who they are. No one should be afraid of who they are.

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