i hate this (162)

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I've had people tell me that 3 different guys have a crush on me and I hate it,

Not because I don't want people to have a crush on me. I don't give two flying pig shits if someone has a crush on me, hates me, or whatever. *unless it's my squish, then I care.*

But because it's way to complicated.

1) Do they like me as a guy, or a girl?

I know for a fact that two of the guys like me as a girl, and the other guy... No clue, heck, I don't even know who the fuck he is...

2) Is it a fetish, dare, joke???

I'm really afraid of all three of these things. I don't want to be part if the joke or dare where they want you to ask out a trans, and being someone's fetish feels invalidating.

I feel really bad about how I rejected them (they were all in the room when someone told me, and were aware someone told me.)

Two of the guys I just walked away from, but the last guy... Holy shit, I was a dick about it.

I rolled my eyes, scoffed, slammed my chair into the desk, said "whatever" and left.

This is exactly why I don't like mixing up in romance, and being trans makes it ten times harder for me.

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