Just placed my order (28)

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   Okay, so I just placed my order for a binder... technically binders. Yeah, I got two, suprisingly. Basically I asked my parents, my mom said no and argued with me, until I asked my dad and he said yes, typical way things work when it comes to my gender, whatever breeze over that, not important. Anyways, my parents ended up buying me two, and I didn't have to pay for it either because they count a binder as a necessity instead of a want.

  So yeah, that was pretty fuckin dope, and very strange.. I thought maybe it was like a late april fools prank tbh. Nonetheless, I am grateful, because chest dysphoria is probably one of my biggest problems, and makes me grumpy and dysfunctional.

  Anyways, I hope y'all are doing good with your transition at the moment, and if not it'll get better.

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