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I've been screaming about this all day...

Okay, so there's this one YouTube series I've been watching for... four to five years now. *I had to count, and my brain is not doing so well in thinking rn, and I'm counting school years, not actual dates so, idk what that translates to...* Well, I forced my brother to watch it about a year ago, and I started making him finish the last season since the new one came out this month.

This one character in it, Garroth, was a normal human before, with a few special abilities, due to illegal potions given to him by his father. Well now, he's a werewolf because one of the characters, Aaron, can turn people into werewolves, thanks to a special ability of his.

My little brother has always liked Garroth a lot, but... He said this to me today when we were warching, "Garroth looks really cute with wolf ears!"

  I called him out on it, to tease him, and he got defensive and said he meant it in a "baby" cute way. *total bullshit tho, he was blushing... a lot*

  Obviously I told him that I didn't care if he was, and stuff, because I don't, and kids need to know that, because I sure as hell didn't get told that, and was fucking afraid of being queer, and harrassment, and getting disowned, and other shit along those lines.

  And I'm internally screaming because the last year or so he's been setting off my gaydar.

  I really wouldn't be suprised if he does like men, or men and women, etc. mainly since my sister is Bi *She's expressed the want to kiss girls, and has had both girl and boy crushes.. Though I'm technically the only one who knows in my family, it's still there.*

  And then there's me, who is asexual, and WHACKromantic, as I'm temporarily labeling myself, since my love life is fucking confusing. I'm gonna explain it tho, so you get the jist of it, and I kinda need to vent about it, because being confused pisses me off alot... Basically I like all genders, and have had crush/squish style feelings *Idk what to label it, because it's not exactly a crush, but idk if it truly qualifies as a squish* but I don't feel the desire to do romantic things, yet if one of my squishes/crushes wanted me to, and I was feeling okay, and not depressed, I would do it. And tbh, I just see dating as a best-friend that you'll never get tired of, and will stay with you forever. When I think of a relationship, it's kinda more queerplatonic? Idk, it's fucking weird and idk what to label myself so I'm just WHACKromantic and that's the fucking definition of it for now.

  I wouldn't be surprised if he knew he was though either, because I started figuring out and questing my sexuality/romantic orientation around his age too *although I don't identify with the label "Bi" now, but ye*

  Idk, I'm just being a proud queer brother right now... lol

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