Learning About The LGBTQ+ Community (194)

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  In social studies our teacher devided that since it was Pride Month we would read a few articles on the LGBTQ+ community, which is awesome.

  Lil dork Franny asked for a crown for both me and them, but we got one huge one, that kept falling on us.

  We also suckered her into letting us put a flyer up for the Queer Empire, and we got our math teacher to do it too.

  Our science teacher wouldn't because apparently we have to be a school funded club, which is stupid if I'm being honest. Maybe it's because we used the word "Queer" and some people may take offensw to that.

  But then Franny told him it was a support group and he said, "We already have a GIRLS support group."


N o .

We didn't go to the school about it though, because idk.

Personally, I don't want to because I really don't want staff involved. Not because I don't trust them, I just think that it will make some other students more uncomfortable.

And either way, I'm moving, and I will be bringing the Empire with me.

*okay, so I've been procrastinating updating this by working on something for the pride party, and then doing reasearch on the ace spectrum, and then watching videos on QPRs.... so I have the answer to why we have to go to the school*

Queerphobic parents.

Yeah, I'm kinda pissed, cause queerphobic people are irritating, and need to get their shit together, but whatever, some idiots will never be able to learn.

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