I'm good at cross dressing as a girl 😂 (61)

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   During my lunch, I go into a sixth grade classroom to help students while I eat, because kids are better than people my age, and the cafeteria is loud, and in this class there's only 10 students, since it's a learning strategies class. *Basically a class for more help in school; This one is only focused on math*

  Anyways, I came out to them, and only one kid got that I was transgender. *Another kid would have got it, since he has a transgender cousin, but he got in a fist fight supposedly...*

   The kids thought I had been crossdressing as a girl, and had lied to them, and they kept saying, "WHAT?! HOW?! YOU DON'T LOOK LIKE A GUYYYY?!"

  So supposedly I'm really good at crossdressing as a girl. Lol

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