Dating Rant (100)

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*Whoop whoop, 100 chapters bitchezz*

This is my second time writing this because I accidently rambled about my romantic orientation, and how i'm fucking confused with it, because it's WHACK right now.

That's what I'm calling my romantic orientation right now, btw, WHACKromantic.

Anyways, I was thinking about all that shit, and dating because I found this band and some of their music is trashy love songs, and that makes everyone think about that shit.

Idk, I think it would be frickin complicated, as a trans guy, which only makes me not want to be in one more.

I mean, if I'm not out, and presenting as female, it feels like I'm lying, or even catfishing.

If I'm not out, and presenting as male, it's the same thing.

If I'm stealth, and I tell you them I'm trans, they could go around telling everyone else, if we break up, or even if we were still in the relationship.

If I'm out to everyone, there's not really a problem, but idk.

It's just agrivating, I guess, even though I really don't feel like having one anyways.

Idk, maybe it's just me.

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