New school & policies (128)

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So, next year I'm going to a new school, so I decided to check out their policies, specifically the LGBTQ+ ones. *even though I basically know them already, since in my state you legally MUST use the correct pronouns, let me use the bathroom and locker room I identify with, and can't harrass me in any way, shape, or form*

Even though they're really strict about most things, *especially the dress code, holy fuck...* I think they've got the entire LGBTQ+ community covered here, which is great. Even at the school I'm going to, I don't think they've 100% got it down yet. *Some things have been said before...*

I'm kinda nervous about this school though, for other reasons too. I looked online, and dug to the bottom of the internet, and apparently last year was bad, like a lot of drugs, a lot of "the do" and pregnancies *which isn't that bad, as lpng as the pregnancies were from a consensual "do" and not a... illegal one.*, a lot of gang activity, and just other bullshit drama.

But then again, I think my school right now is still worse, because of other aspects *I have no idea why the state hasn't came in and shut down the district I'm in, there's a lotta illegal crap going on in the past 2 years, but whatever... Not my place, I'll just hope it happens one day instead.*

Idk, I've always had anxiety about starting a new school, it's just worse this year because of me being open about being trans *last year I knew in September but I stayed closeted because of fear, and the area I had been in before was really homophobic and transohobic. I shoulda came out though, because this school is just ignorant and stupid, not hateful... for the most part.*

Idk, I'm rambling cause my anxiety is screaming at me, soooo...

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