More Tips (71)

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Okay, so more tips, because this ass has got some more experience.

Don't take the last part outta context...

Some of these may not work for you, bevause we all have different bodies, but these are somethings I've learned.

4) If you have to wear pants from the women's section, try not to put things in your pocket, because women's pants have smaller pockets for some reason, and things stick out, where men's pants have deeper pockets and concel the items in them.

5) When looking for shirts, try and find shirts with sleeves that cling to your skin. Idk if that made sense... Basically try not to get eccess fabric on your shirt sleeve, because it makes your arm muscles look weak, where if you have a sleeve that fits your arm without having excess fabric, it makes you look buffer. *It will be slightly difficult to find though.*

7) If you're wearing shorts wear socks that come up just a little bit above the ankle. Again, this makes your legs look buffer.

8) Keep your hair slightly messy, maybe make bits go against the "current". What I mean by that is take some hair that's supposed to be going left, and sweep it right, or vise versa, depending on how your hair works. Sometimes if you wear a hat, it'll mat it down if the hair sticks up. *I do this every day, because if I don't my hair makes me look like i've been electrocuted.*

9) Black hides them parts you don't want anyone to see. I have back cargo shorts on rn, and you can't see anything.

10) If the shark has came to bite you in that second asshole you have, and your boxers can't hold a pad in it, but you don't really want to wear pantilonies, here's a tip, that is more of a compromise: Put on the pantilonies, then put on the pad, then put the boxers on over the top.

Those are really the only tips I can think of, but here ya go.

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