Don't Gender Things That Don't Need Gendering. (26)

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*I'm really salty rn, like I could turn a lake into an ocean, that's how fucking salty I am rn*

  K, so I put on a pair of shoes, that have a floralish pattern but not really?:

Anyways, I was fine wearing them because I like them and don't consider shoes gendered

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Anyways, I was fine wearing them because I like them and don't consider shoes gendered.

   Well my mom's like, "Why are you wearing your girl shoes?"


Shoes don't have a gender. Girl or boy shoes do not exist.

Same with clothes. There are not girl or boy clothes. They are freaking clothes for gods sake.

Neither do colors. Pink is not a girl color, and blue is not just a boy color.

Seriously though, gendering stuff is just dumb, and can create problems.

For example my brother liked this one toy, and someone made fun of him because it's a "girl" toy. He threw away that toy.

Or this one guy in fourth grade wore pink socks, *and he was wearing them because a family member has breast cancer, and that was his way of support, and representation* Kids began to laugh at him because he wore "girl" socks... After a while, he stopped because everyone was making fun of him.

This one girl in my class always played sports, and people made fun of her for that because that's a boy's game. She stopped playing sports.

Even things like emotions are gendered. For example, "Boys don't cry." Um bitch, yes they do. My brother cries all the time, he is still a boy.

Idk, I'm just really irritated and bleh. But ye, don't gender things that don't need gender.

K bye idk.

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