wow (33)

348 21 6

   We shipped the binders back today, so that's good.

   Also, maybe a tmi?

   I never thought I would be so excited for deodorant and underwear. Yep, I got some boxers and men's deodorant.

   I also never knew how much of a difference it would make, I mean, right now I'm walking around, in my boxers, and a t-shirt, like fuck, I haven't been able to do this since my diaper days!

   My mom also bought me some sports bras that are super compressing, until I get my binders. It actually works pretty frickin well, there's still something there but it's not a lot.

   I also came out to my grandma. She's clueless, and doesn't really understand, but she's still supportive, and accepting, which wasn't really what I was expecting, since she is racist, *not as bad anymore* and slightly homophobic. But no, she agreed to call me Garren, and address me as a guy. Heck, she even asked me that during vacation, I educate her on what being trans is.

   So yeah, the last two days were actually not a bad, so yeah.

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