i can't think rn (118)

183 9 4

The chapter about the differences between binders is gonna have to wait, I can barely do amything rn, even typing this is taking too much energy.

I'm wearing three hoodies rn, and I'm still really dysphoric, and I'm getting birthnamed, and misgendered left, and right, and it feels great...

Just kidding I'd like to die now, so if someone could just come to my house and kill me, you'd be my favorite person.

On a good note tho, thank you guys for 200 votes, y'all are amazing.

So, as a thank you gift, here's how to make a dick with three socks. (I wasn't joking):

I've had to revise this like three times, fuck.

Now imma go listen to my dysphoria song (Body - Mother Mother) and try to not kill myself, because yeah, that prolly wouldn't be good. Have a goodnight ♡

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