Essay Update (39)

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   Alright, so my english teacher noticed I wasn't writing, and asked me if I had picked a topic yet, and I said no, because I was still debating on whether or not I should do the topic on Trans* people, and if I should ask, just do it, or just do some lameass topic he picked, which are honestly not high enough for this king. Lol

  He said I can choose whatever topic I want, and he trusts me to catch up, and pick something appropriate. *Since I have a higher Reading MAP score than the average 12th grader, I have some advantage... lol*

   So I'm going to write it, because it is a friendly territory for LGBTQ+ members, classroom, school, district, and state law wise, and I doubt trans* topics are innapropriate for school.

  I also really don't give a crap if it outs me either, since I only have 39 more days left *I'm counting in my school planner lol*

   So yay! I'll probably post it on here, either in this book, or maybe I'll just make one for the topic in general, so it's easier for people to find, I don't know.

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