I've hit ultimate salt mode (143)

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I swear to god, in the past 3 days, my mom has backtracked so fucking much. She littlerally can't call me Garren or use he pronouns, and she's saying all this stupid shit about my gender.

Like today, a video from a channel I used to watch a year ago or so, posted something. *They moved so they stopped uploading for a while.* It peeked my interested, and I wanted to see how much they've changed in the last year.

The one girl on the channel was talking about crafts she had been making, *it was a vlogging channel* and my mom says, "Why are you watching that? That's girly, and your a guy."

I mean seriously, I told you not to talk to me about girl problems, and you become this fucking petty? God damn... I know you dislike me because I ruined your dream of having a girly girl, but can you atleast be a decent person and respect who I am? I mean, I've tried for YEARS to be that dream girl you had, so why can't you just get over yourself, and help me be happy like I tried to make you happy?

  I dunno, she's really irritating me, and I've been crying a lot in the last three days because of it, and I've been showing the same signs I had last year when I dealt with a few toxic relationships, and it fucking sucks, because my body is pretty close to failing on itself.

  I'm about to write that idea I had last night, but instead of saying "transphobes", I'll say "uneducated cis people" since I'll get in a lot of trouble, but since she's being petty, I'm gonna be petty right back, because it's not fucking okay, and I'm actually starting to value myself, and realize that I don't deserve to let people kick me around.

I'm in ultimate salt mode right now, so expect a lot of complaining and bullshit like that, cause I'm about to snap on someone, and I'd rather be a whiny bitch than smack someone upside the head *Which would prolly end up being my mom...*

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