My Mom, I swear... (163)

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  Everytime I complain about being in pain, my mom always blames it on my binder, and says she's gonna take it away, and it really pisses me off. I swear, she says she's supportive, but the actions she commits proves otherwise.

She never uses the right pronouns, or name, and uses the excuse "Oh, i'll never get it, I'm dumb" or "i've known you for 12 years, it's too hard!"

She always pounces on me when I do something feminine, saying "Oh, that's girly, you aren't trans!"

Like no, bitch, shut the fuck up. You know nothing about being trans, and don't even try to. You say ignorant shit about the LGBTQ+ community, and ither communities. And you aren't me. You can't say jack shit about my identity.

I realize she isn't as bad as some parents, but it's still really fucking infuriating, and one of these days, I swear I'm gonna punch her.

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