Chapter Four

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As the movie went on I figured Ethan would move away from me, but he didn't. He stayed in his spot with his arm on the back of the couch.

"You like these kinda of movies?" Ethan asked when the movie had about thirty minutes left.

"I love them," I cheered while looking up at him.

A smirk grew on his pink lips and he raised his eyebrows.

"Why?" He questioned clearly amused by my enthusiasm.

"For one I don't have to worry about anyone being heartbroken in the end or not ending up with the person I want them to. I'm gonna be fully prepared when an actual zombie apocalypse breaks out, and who doesn't love fake blood and guts flung every where?"

I loved talking about things I liked. It made me feel warm inside. I didn't get to talk about me or what I liked a lot, so just him asking about this made me grow more respect for him.

"Fair enough, but don't you like the feeling at the end of the movie when the guy and girl ends up together an they live happily ever after?"

"I mean sure I like it, but it's unrealistic," I sighed and rolled my eyes. "When was the last time you saw people actually in love?"

Ethan scrunched his eyebrows and he looked deep in thought. He rubbed his chin and looked off into the distance as if he really was thinking. I gently elbowed his chest while chuckling and he laughed.

"I don't know. My parents are pretty in love," he replied.

"It just doesn't happen often," I retorted and then my phone buzzed.

Jeremy❤️❤️: I'm sorry for snapping earlier

"Who's that?" Ethan asked as he glanced at my phone.

"He's um," I paused.

I can't introduce Jeremy as my boyfriend, because he isn't. He's not even my friend. He's just a guy I like that I talk to as if he was my boyfriend.

"It's probably Jeremy," Jarred seethed as he walked to the door once the bell rang.

"He your boyfriend?" Grayson pipped up.

"No, not really," I answered.

Ethan pulled his arm away and then stood up and walked towards the door without saying a word.

"If he isn't your boy then what is he?" Grayson asked interested.

"He's just a guy I talk to sometimes."

"He's an asshole who treats her like she's shit and he doesn't care about her," Jarred barked while walking through to the kitchen with Ethan following.

"I see he hates him," Grayson chuckled as we followed them into the kitchen.

"I just don't like seeing him treat her the way he does. He's rude to her and he doesn't support her the way a guy is supposed to."

"He's not my boyfriend Jarred," I replied sassily and grabbed my food.

"Then what are you?" Ethan asked raising his eyebrows.

"Friends I guess," I answered shrugging.

"I still don't like him."

"He's all I got Jarred," I groaned then made my way upstairs with my Chinese food.

I've told Jarred how I felt about Jeremy. I liked him because he was there for me most of the time. He was there in a different way than Lola was. I told him my insecurities and he didn't try to tell me how they were wrong, he just told me he understood. Whenever I tried telling Lola stuff she just lied to me and told me I wasn't any of those negative things.

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