(7) Agreement

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Abimbola POV

Rajveer sits on the couch across me and smiles.

"Why you keep smiling?"I wanted to ask him but decided against it when his mother walks in.

"Amira will stay with y'all while you discuss what you want",she says with a smile.

"Sure".,Rajveer and I both nod then Amira walks in as aunty walks out. She sits on the furthest couch from us and takes out her phone and earphones, plugs it in and smiles at us before focusing on her phone.

"So what so you wa-"

"Why me?",I ask Rajveer cutting him off instantly.

"What do you mean?",he asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Am not exactly the beautiful type or skinny so why are you proposing?",I ask looking away from him.

"What are you talking about? It's not like your fat either. And who told you your not beautiful?".

"You don't have to lie to me Rajveer am not blind I k-".

"Apparently you are if you thing your fat and ugly. Yes you have body but that doesn't make you fat. Makes you thick. Just the way I like em",he adds the last part with a smirk.

I bite my lip and look down nervously.

"Leaving that subject. We can talk more about it on the phone"he says then holds his hand out. I take out my phone and hand it to him then take his. We exchange numbers then my phone beeps and he raises an eyebrow at it.

"Who's Shatise?"he asks.

I gulp then look up slowly.

"Its not like that I promise. We're just friends, been friends since I was 16. Its hard to explain but he's sort of my best friend",I whisper.

"You have a male best friend?".

"Am sorry is that a problem?".

"Yes it actually is",he says making me look at him then frown.

"But I trust you not to do anything"he says. I smile a little and nod then take my phone off him and decline Shatise call.

"So you know after marriage you'll be moving to my family's house".

"Yeah"I nod.

*So am 24 you know that am guessing. I work at Dex Technology Company. I own the company. I do my salah everyday and read my Qur'an.....you?".

"Am 20. I work as a biotechnologist. I so my salah everyday well except when am on my period and read my Qur'an".

He looks at me amused which got me confused.

"What?",I ask.

"Not many females just blurt out about their periods",he chuckles.

"An well am not them",I shrug then smile.

"How are you feeling about all this?"he asks.

"Nervous. Really nervous. I've dreamt of stuff like this getting married. Now that it's about to happen I don't know I can't help but be nervous. I also don't know how it will be at your house. I don't know how to cook any of tour meals and stuff like that".

"I getchu am sort of nervous too. And don't worry am sure the women of the house will teach you",he assures with a warm smile.

"I'll message you when I get home then",he whispers and I nod then we both get up.


"The wedding date has been chosen",Daddy starts off. I look st him then mommy who nods.

"When is it?",I ask him.

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