(22) Dinner Night and Good News?

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"Is Abimbola okay with you now?",Aditya asks me with a teasing smirk.

"Actually ye-"

"No am not",Abimbola says walking into the house with her her jacket in her hand.

"Am sorry how many times do I gotta say it?",I frown.

"Lemme see you called me a whore and insulted me some more...I think its safe to say a few years",she shrugs.

"Baby don't be like that am sorry....I got you something",I smile innocently while blocking her from walking up the stairs.

"Okay good for you keep it",She shrugs and tries walking past me and I let her. She walks up the stairs and turns towards our bedroom

"Good luck",the boys whisper as I run up the stairs after Abimbola who opens the door then switches on the light. I stand behind her as she jumps back with a loud gasp.

"Oh Raj",she whispers with her hand covering her mouth as she stares at the decorated room. I decorated the room with red and white balloons, a table for two in the middle with flowers drawing a heart outside, the bed filled with a heart drawn red and white petals.

"Baby"I call.

She turns around with tears in her eyes then her eyes glance at the red rose in my hand.

"For you",I hand it to her. She smiles then takes it. "Thank you but what is all this?".

"Ever since we've been together there's more tears from you than smiles, and I know it a because of my idiotic behavior from the beginning that caused it all. Your not perfect because no one is, am not, your not no one is but your qualities, personality, beauty. They attract me closer and closer to you everyday every hour every minute. Baby I've never been so serious about anything else in my life but keeping you as my wife forever is my number goal, keeping you happy, starting a family with you is what I want and wish and pray that we both get to Jannah(heaven) together as a couple. There is no one that could take your place, no one that I want to take your place. I just want to tell you am sorry for every tear, every frown, every sadness that I've caused you and hope we can move on from all this with understanding of each other and of each others wants and needs. Abimbola I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when am with you, I love you not only for what you made of yourself but I love you for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out".

She shuts her eyes and tears slide down then she starts crying and throws her arms around me.

"I love you too",she says through tears.


"Did you cook the Fried Rice?",she asks as she takes a sip of her wine(non-alcoholic).

"Well I wanted to make it more special, so I made it with my own hands. But of course I had help with your sister Atinuke".

"Aw really? It was delicious really. Thank you",she holds my hand from across the table then smiles.

"Your welcome".

I get up then walk to the bedside table and open the press. I take out the small red box then close then close the press.

"What is it?"she asks. "Open it",I hand the small box to her. She takes it then opens the box slowly. "A necklace oh my God it's so pretty. Its diamond Raj",she whispers. "I know, you never let me buy you anything or get you anything so this time I went out my way. Next time lemme spoil you just so I can feel good too",I joke which she laughs at. "Oh baby thank you",she gets up then hugs me. "Let me help"I hold my hand out.

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