(30) Forgive Me

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No One's POV

"What do I say to her? There's nothing I CAN say that'll make what I did worth forgiving",an anxious Rajveer utters while pacing back and forth in the living room.

The family sighs tiredly.

"For the millionth time Rajveer. She's most likely going to forgive you now shut up and let me and Rianna worry about her not forgiving US" Maryam yells at him with annoyance.

"Your her husband she like has to forgive you and she will",Rianna says and rolls her eyes with irritation also.

"You don't know t-"

The doorbell rings cutting Rajveer off.

"Amira, you open the door".

Amira skips out of the living room and disappears into the hallway.

"Eeeeh babhi you totally kicked ass. That was so amazing",Amira yells from the hall.

"This girl",Azeeza shakes her head and let's out a chuckle.

Amira walks in with Abimbola. She's in her black sweatpants and a long sleeved tight black top with a jacket over it and her black hijab wrapped around her head, making a bun on top of her forehead. She looked different. She wasn't the same "fat" Abimbola anymore. Her thighs had shrunken. Looks like she won't be needing a size 18 anymore. Size 14 sounds better. Her stomach and skin which folded once before is sucked in more. Her once chubby face and cheeks now looks less chubby. Her eyes that were once covered by her cheeks now suddenly seems large.

Her forehead is covered with a peach colored plaster and her cheeks, arms and feet now have burnt marks. Her body screams tiredness but her eyes were just longing to see her two babies whom she just wanted to hug with the little energy she had left.

"Her eyes roam the room and they land on Rajveer who is silent and is just staring at his wife. His new wife. The wife he wanted at the start of his marriage. But now he suddenly feels incomplete, as if his other half didn't just walk in through through the door. "Where is she?",is all he could ask himself now. "You pushed her away",another voice answers.

Abimbola smiles as soon as she laid eyes on Kareem and Kabeer who are smiling at her as if waiting for her to come to them. Kareem calls for her in his baby voice while Kabeer flails his arms around which resulted in him smacking Viren in the face.

She walks to them and smiles.

"Hey baby",she smiles and takes him from Viren. "I missed you",she kisses him all over the face making him let out mixtures of giggles and laughter. She looks at Kareem who's in Sarah's arms. She takes him also and rubs both their noses together making both the kids laugh.

"Abimbola",Azeeza calls.

Abimbola looks at her but doesn't say anything.

"Amira, Musa take the kids into the game room",uncle orders. Amira takes Kabeer from Abimbola while Musa takes Kareem.

"Come on Saqib, Sonia, Rasheed",Amirs holds her hand out which Sonia and Saqib takes. Rasheed follows them into the game room leaving the adults.

Abimbola clears her throat and rubs her forehead.

Viren and Aditya both push Rajveer towards Abimbola who gives them a stern look. He turns to Abimbola who looks at him but doesn't say anything.

"Abimbola I w-"

"Say your sorry?*she asks.

"Well yeah. I a-"

"I forgive you",she shrugs.

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