Blessings (45)

398 31 9

Month Later


"Welcome Home". We all cheer as Rajveer and Samara walk in wheeling Samara's dad into the living room.  Uncle's eyes widens then my father in law walks up to him and gives him a hug. Aunty greets him then Luqman and the rest go over. When everyone had gone, I greet him. 

"Beta thank you so much, Allah sent you personally to my aid. Years have gone and even the best doctors couldn't do anything or find out why the cancer cells were speeding so greatly and some even questioned how I was still alive. Now I know why. May Allah bless you with all the happiness". He starts praying for me. Tears start pouring out his eyes as he continued.

"Uncle don't cry please", I kneel down and wipe his tears away. 

"Am just glad your okay", I smile.

"Now come on, aunty went all out. She made every meal known so I hope you kept your appetite because your going to need it", I tell him making him and everyone laugh.

We all sit around the dining table eating, talking and laughing among each other. The atmosphere is celebratory and joyful. I feel like the last time I felt this happy was the day I became Mrs Roshan. It felt like something impossible, me getting married. I always only used to imagine the life, but of course Allah knows best. He turned what I thought was impossible, possible. And I couldn't be more grateful. Despite all the problems i've experienced in my marriage I still couldn't pray for another husband. Am content with the man Allah paired me with.

"Aunty", Saqib taps my shoulder with an innocent smile plastered on his face. THAT'S how you know that the boy wants something.

"Yes?", I hum suspiciously.

"Will you make me jollof rice tomorrow?", he asks.

I chuckle then nod. 

"I'll think about it".

He smiles excitedly then he walks back to his seat. I see him highfive with Musa. Ahhh I see. He was sent by Mr All About Food himself.

"mmmm", Kareem starts crying from his and Kabeer's living room play cot. Raj thought it was smart to put one in the living room then put their toys in for them to play........he was right. It helps also. 

"I got him", Saqib yells and runs over to the cot. He stands up on a stool and reaches in to carry Kareem. I quickly get up and rush over to them. 

"I'll carry him first then hand him to you", I tell Saqib who nods then sits down on the stool. I pick up a crying Kareem who suddenly starts kicking. 

"Hey shh it's okay momma got you", I whisper and pat his butt while moving from side to side. 

"Amira will you get me my wrapper material please". She nods then goes up to my room. 

I kneel down beside Saqib and hand Kareem to him gently. Kareem cries harder and louder which made Saqib frown. 

"Maybe he's hungry", Raj says.

"I've already fed him like less than 30 minutes ago", I sigh and stand up. 

"Next time yeah", I ruffle Saqib's hair who nods with a smile then goes back to finish his food. 

"Here lemme have him", Raj gets up from his seat and walks over towards us. He holds his hand out so I hand Kareem to him. 

"He's just sleepy, you know he gets cranky when he's sleepy", Raj says. As soon as Raj held him, Kareem stops crying. 

"That's my son", Raj smiles proudly. 

Everyone chuckles while I just roll my eyes. 

"Don't be jealous he loves you too", Raj says. I roll my eyes then take the wrapper from Amira. 

"Lemme back him so he can sleep", I tell Raj who shakes his head. 

"Let him sleep in my arms", he whispers then kisses his son who touches Raj's nose then his eyes close slowly. 

"Maybe you should put Kabeer to sleep too", I tell him. 

"Kabeer is easy to put to sleep", Raj shrugs. I pick up Kabeer who has been quietly watching his twin. 

"Hey baby", I kiss his cheeks. He smiles and snuggles up to my chest. Awww. He's so adorable and quiet unlike his elder brother by 2 minutes.

I look up to find Kareem already asleep against Rajveer's chest who places him back in his cot then turns to me. I give Kabeer to him.

"He's so quiet unlike his brother",Raj chuckles. I smile and play with Kabeer's fingers. I look up at Raj who's looking at me. I smile and lean my head on his shoulder.

"Am sorry for making you feel the way you did and thank you for everything, for being patient with me, dealing with all my bullshit and for continuing to love me. I love you"he whispers then he kisses my forehead.

I close my eyes and smile at his words and action.

"I love you too baby",I smile.
We look down at Kabeer who's now smiling while sucking on his thumb making us both chuckle.



Hey y'all, so as y'all can see, this book is now officially finished.

I know sad tiinngs!

I wanted to do an Epilogue but I think I might just pass on that thought now.....

Its been SUPER GREAT writing this book, am like addicted with the characters now 😂. And I can't thank y'all enough for your support, reads, votes, comments throughout this book. I really appreciate it. Y'all are like seriously THE BEST. Thank you again❤❤❤

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