(29) Truth Comes To Light

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No one's POV

Aditya and his men surround Sidiq's house with guns pointing dangerously towards it. Aditya takes a step towards the door and kicks it open then steps in carefully with two men behind him while the others wait and surround the outside.

"Come in",Aditya calls the rest of his men. They begin searching for any evidence against Sidiq in the cold and  empty house.

"Sir look what I found",one the officers yell.

Aditya walks back down the stairs and makes his way to officer Jackson who's holding a recorder.

"Its from Ms Roshan. Maybe we can get some clues",Officer Jackson adds.

Aditya presses play on the recorder.

Abimbola: Why did you lie to everyone that we're sleeping together?

Sidiq: Because I love you

Abimbola: So what exactly was your plan? Did you think it'll work?

Sidiq: Yes and fuck, it did. All I had to do was get Sasha to be on board. Get her to wear the red lingerie and pose in bed as you. A little Photoshop and bam your husband believes. And getting you to keep quiet about it did the trick. I did my end of the bargain and didn't hurt your kids. And your left alone. Just like always

The recording stops and Aditya smiles.

"Babhi your flipping smart",he whispers to himself.

"Everyone vacate this building. I'm going to need officer Jackson, Samuel and Samson to meet me at my car. The rest of y'all can go",he yells then makes his way out of the house with the three officers right behind him.

"Sir"they salute him as they reach the car.

"According to this recording, first of all his parents know what's going on so Samuel and Samson, I'll need y'all to go track them down. Make your first atop to be at Ms Roshan parents house. And you Jackson tour coming with me to get Sasha",he orders.

The officers all nod and split ways.
"Come on Jackson",Aditya says as he gets into his own car. Officer Jackson follows after.


Aditya drives into the driveway of Sasha's house where her car is now parked.

"Sir. Why are we here?",Officer Jackson asks with anxiousness evident in the tone of his voice.

"To arrest Sasha Jackson for assistance in kidnapping Ms Roshan and abuse of a pregnant woman....why do you sound so restless all of a sudden?",Aditya asks confused as he switches off the engine of his car.

"Sasha Jackson is my wife",Officer Jackson blurts.

"What? Her?",Aditya yells.

Sasha opens the door to her house and walks out with a smile on her face. Her smile dies down when she sees the police car. Her purse drops out of her hand and she backs up into the wall.

Aditya gives Officer Jackson a sympathetic look before getting out of the car and points the gun at her.

"Sasha Jackson your under arrest for the kidnappings and abuse of Abimbola Roshan. You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in a court of law".

Sasha raises her hands up and sighs. Officer Jackson gets out with handcuffs earning a shocked gasp from his wife.

"I'll do this Jackson. Its okay",Aditya says holding his hand out for handcuffs.

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