(18) Earn My Trust

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"This is the file. See ya Debs",I smile and wave. "Talk to him",she yells giving me a stern look which I just dismissed.

My phone beeps so I check it to find 110 messages and missed calls from Rajveer, 20 from aunty, 250 from Amira's, 5 from Musa and 2 from Sarah. All which I've been ignoring for a week now. I didn't even tell my parents that I left home, they'll just criticize me anyway and mom would me happy to know she was right. Nobody did want to marry a fat girl like me. I guess she was right after all.

I pour some of the shake into my warm water then mix it. It comes out its usual chocolaty color. I gulp down the full glass bottle all at once because of its bitter taste. I run my hand through my short black soft hair then take a seat on the couch when my phone suddenly starts ringing. I reach over the table and pick it up then smile seeing Maryam name so I pick it up.

"Hey girl wassup?".

"Bola get your ass over to the hospital. Rajveer is here he needs you",she says breathlessly.

"Raj?"I gasp then stand up abruptly

"Wh-what happened?",I ask her as I fix my hijab loosely on my head, pick up my keys and rush out of my apartment and lock the door.

"Accident just come".


I run into the hospital and straight to the registration desk. "Rajveer Roshan?".

"Go down, take the first left and there's an elevator go second floor and first room you see, room 210",the lady explains. "Thank you"I nod politely then run down the hall while making sure to hold my loose hijab securely.

"Come on come on open",I whisper impatiently waiting on the elevator to open. "Ding". The sound came and the door moves apart from each other. Instantly I see Luqman, Sarah, Saqib, Amira, Musa, Rianna and Maryam standing outside the rod I'm the waiting area. I suddenly get anxious and guilty and drop my head.

"Babhi",I hear Musa gasp loudly which made me look up to find smiling faces.

"Your okay",Amira smiles. "Hey"I whisper.

"Is he okay?",I ask them. "He was stubbornly searching for you and while he was running around mad at himself he slipped off the stairs and landed head first. He's okay though just had to get his head and knee AND arm bandaged",Luqman explains.

"Its my fault"I whisper with guilt. I've been out having the time of my life while he been going crazy, yeah I want him to feel the pain but I didn't think he'd care this much. What did I do? Oh Allah please bless him with good health. Please forgive me. Am so sorry.

"Girl go",Maryam yells in my face making me jump. "I i-i can't go in there",I whisper shaking my head.

"And why the heck not?",Rianna asks folding her arms.

I frown then look away. "Girl he wants you. He made a mistake give him a second chance to prove himself worthy",Maryam says.

"I did this to him Maryam. Its my fault. She's right, am a curse to everyone's life. No matter what I am or size",I whisper with tears sliding down my cheeks slowly.

"Hey hunny what are you saying? She's wring. Everything she says about you is wrong. Your anything but a curse. Your sweet, kind, caring, beautiful and funny. Raj fell for you, for the real you. You have to stop judging yourself. Its not healthy for you or your relationship now strap up and go in there and kiss him with all the pain, anger and love you've got",Sarah says then pats my cheek and smiles.

I smile then chuckle at the last part. "Girl you crazy too",Maryam gasps dramatically at Sarah who rolls her eyes playfully. "Now go ge-"

Aunty and uncle both walk out of the room then gasps loudly when they see me. Uncle smiles and aunty hums then smiles. "Go"she says.

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