(9) The Walima

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Rajveer POV

The massive hall is filled with many familiar and unfamiliar faces. Our parents just went all out. There's many Nigerians and Pakistani people and mixed attires.

"Are you okay up there?",Luqman whispers to me.

"Yeah, kinda nervous".

"You'll be fi-".
Just as he was about to finish, mom calls me over.

I get off the stage then follow her out of the hall and towards the room where Abimbola is.

"Are you okay?",mom asks fixing my tie. "Nervous".

She chuckles then kisses my cheek. "She is beautiful beta am so proud of you". I smile then give her a hug.
She gives me a wink then opens the door and Abimbola in her white dress.

She turns around and gasps silently. "Rajveer"she whispers. "Aunty",she smiles shyly. "Beta you look absolutely gorgeous. I'll see you with the rest",mom smiles then walks away leaving me and her.

I hold out my hand and she takes it and smiles a little. "You look so beautiful",I whisper. "Thank you. You look handsome too".

We walk down the hallway together and meet Ibrahim and Musa at the door. They smile then open the door for us. As soon as we walked in everyone stood up and start throwing red petals on us as we walk down the carpet.

"They're all staring. Do I look okay?",she whispers to me as people took pictures. "Babe you look more than okay you look sexy",I wink at her and she blushes then looks down at her lap. "Can't wait till I take you home". "Stop"she whines and looks away from me. I chuckle then stand up when two of my best friends walk over.

"Hey y'all wassup",they give me a hug while congratulating me.

"Um y'all this is Abimbola y'all know my wife",I hold my hand out towards my nervous looking wife who takes it hesitantly.

"Asalam Alaykum",they greet her.

"Walaykum Salam",she responds and looks down while playing with her fingers.

"Babe this are my childhood friends, the two brothers Aditya and Viren Mohuhudin".

They smile and nods at her.

"Well babhi welcome to the Roshan crazy fanily",Viren says. I smack his head then smile when Abimbola laughs lightly. "Thank you"she whispers. "I um I should go see my fa-"

"Yeah sure",I nod then she literally runs past us and mixes with the crowd.

"She real something huh...thought you wasn't for the big types",Aditya says. "She's different. First time meeting her I just had to say yes". The boys smirk then wiggle their eyebrows. "Shut up y'all. She's not warmed up to me get, she's insecure. Very insecure actually, never done this before so its new. But she's great and fun to be around with just needs to know how beautiful and special she is",I whisper while watching her greet everyone shyly.


"Ight thanks mom. I'll give it to her",I kiss mom's cheek then take the glass of milk from her.

"Have fun",she sends me a wink as she walks to her room. I chuckle then open the door to mine and Bola's room. I switch on the light to find her on our decorated bed with red petals and red veils. Her face is covered and she's sitting with her knees to her chest.

"Hey"I whisper taking off her veil. "Hey"she whispers shyly. "You look amazing". "Thank you". She looks at me and quickly looks back down. "Here mom said to give you this",I hand her the milk. "Oh thank you",she takes it then takes a small sip. "So um"I scratch my head and she looks at me. "Oh right um yeah", she puts the glass down and clears her throat.

I zip down her dress from behind and hear her suck in some air. "Raj"she whispers. "Mmm?",I hum as her dress sleeve falls down. "I um I know this is supposed to be our night but I uh"she stutters then holds her sleeves and turns to me. "Am not ready"she whispers. "What?"I raise an eyebrow at her confused then sit properly. "But". "Am sorry Raj I just am not ready for you to see me fully. Can we not not tonight please. I hope you understand"she says.  "But babe this when what?",I stand up and run my fingers through my hair.

"Raj"she stands up confusedly. "Its not that dee-".

"Eh it kind of is. Your my wife now. I can't even see you? Touch you? I thought we agreed on this?",I snap.

"Raj"she gasps.

"What?"I snap then turn around and rub my forehead annoyingly.

"Am sorry",I hear her whisper then she picks up her suitcase and rushes into the bathroom and shuts the door.

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