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"Rajveer am tired go to sleep",I whine as he kisses on my neck.

"But baby I need you",he whispers.

"Its 5 am. Why you in the mood now?"

"Ask my hormones"he shrugs.

I sit up and look at him.

"Raj I love you and all but am super sore, and its your fault in the first place. You've been in the mood every single day now, and I don't blame cuz am amazingly just sexy b-"

He snickers then pulls him towards him.

"You answered it for me already, now can you keep quiet"he kisses me then  slides the covers off me.

His phone starts ringing which makes him groan then moves away from me.

"Who is it?",I ask  laying on my stomach while watching him unlock his phone.

"Ah fudge I'll be back",he gets up from bed then puts on his shirt.

"Its 5AM Rajveer. Where are you going?",I ask him, now sitting up confused.

"I have to get work done. Couldn't do it yesterday because of your birthday party and I totally forgot, I just need to go work real quick",he says as he puts on his shoes. 

"I'll see you in a bit",he bands down and gives me a gently and brief kiss before picking up his phone then rushes out of our room.

Well at least I get to get some sleep now.

I shift around in body for the millionth time then finally sit up in bed and sigh. Why am I feeling so anxious all of a sudden.

I put on one of Rajveer's jumper and one of my black sweatpants.
I walk out of our room and down the hallway. The house is all silent and dark. As I reach the stairs I noticed Samara's door is opened. That's weird.

I walk into her room only to find it empty.

I see.


I knock on aunty and uncles door then wait for them to open up.

"Come in",uncle replies.

I open the door slowly then walk in to find him and aunty in bed. He's typing on his laptop while aunty is putting her hair in a plait.

"Oh beta everything okay?",uncle asks.

"No"I answer honestly. They look at each other then at me.

"Sit down",aunty nods.

I close the door then walk over to them. I sit beside uncle then sigh.

"I think there's something going on between Rajveer and Samara",I blurt.

"That's ridiculous, Rajveer isn't like that",uncle says.

"I know that's why am finding it hard to believe myself but the signs are all there. This morning at around 5 AM, Rajveer got up from bed saying he had some work to get done so he left the house. I couldn't sleep then, I didn't know why so I thought I'd come downstairs that's when I saw Samara's door opened but she was t there. She was with Rajveer. They still haven't come back and its now 4pm. He didn't even call, and when I called, he sounded so breathless. He's spending so much time with her and she knows literally EVERYTHING about him. When I say everything, I mean to the size of his underwear and stuff. I just feel like she's trying to take him from me and its not fair because she's Pakistani and he's Pakistani. I don't stand a chance there",I let out then frown.

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