Act of Goodness(44)

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"How was the party?", Sarah asks us but I don't reply her, I just walk up the stairs. As soon as I get into my room I strip out of my dress and get into my army green sweatpants and white shirt. I take out my suitcase and open my wardrobe. I take out my clothes and start folding them into the suitcase. I grab another suitacse and put Kareem and Kabeer's clothes in it also. I put our shoes in a separate bag and my make up bag. Once done, I open the door and roll the suitcase along with me down the stairs. 

"Abimbola you can't do that", both Aisha and Maryam yell when they see me with my suitcase. 

"I can't do what? Look everyone is different, Me, am not taking this from anybody. He already chose her so what is my purpose here exactly?", I snap. 

"You can't just leave everytime things aren't going goof Abimbola that isn't how relationships work", Sarah says. 

"Well am sorry but am not staying". I pick up my keys then take the twins and put them in their car seats. 

"Abimbola why are you leaving now?", Luqman asks me calmly. 

"Ask your brother".

"Well am asking you. What happened?", he asks. 

I look at him and my glare decreases. 

"He picked Samara already, how is he going to leave the party because she called him. He couldn't even tell me why he was leaving, he had to send his boys to tell me",I explain to him. 

"Why not wait for him to come and ask him why", he says. 

"You don't understand. There's no way. Ever since she's been here, he's either yelled at me, not talked to me or spend all his time with her. Those time I didn't say anything. Then he does this, when is it going to end? Every time,he does this every time. Am fed up", I say the last past in an exhausted whisper. Tears fill my eyes and my hands drop to my sides. 

"Oh sweety",Sarah wipes my tears as I break down crying. She hugs me and rubs my back. "I can't do this, I really can't. It's like he doesn't even care, like she's the only one that needs his attention". 

"It's okay we'll fix this just please don't leave", Sarah whispers. 

"Here drink some water", Maryam hands me a glass of water and rubs my back. "Take her suitcase up", she tells Amira and Rianna who nod and get up. 

"No leave it", I push them beside me and place the cup down on the table. 

My phone starts ringing and his name fills the screen. I just stare at it then decline the call. 

"Abimbola that's not good, you can't decline your husband's call", Sarah tells me. My phone rings again but this time I don't decline the call but I don't pick it up either. 

"Abimbola", Sarah starts giving out to me then she picks up the phone. 

"Asalam alaykum Raj.......she's upset with you right now, she doesn't feel like talking. You should get home because she already packed her suitcase and was about to leave.....okay we'll  be expecting you". She hangs up and sighs. 

"They got stuck in traffic, there was an accident there", she explains. 

"Is he okay?", I ask her then furrow my eyebrow at myself. 

"Yeah he's fine", Sarah smile

I sit down on the couch then Kareem starts crying so I attend to him. I pat his butt and move from left to right. He starts sucking on his thumb then closes his eyes. His body feels so hot against my skin. I lift my hand from underneath his butt and feel his neck. 

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