(23) Threat

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7 Months Later


"You should get home Abimbola",Debbie tells me. "Yeah",I get up then pack up my bag.,

My phone starts beeping signalling an incoming call. I take it out of my bag and smile seeing Rajveer's name flash through the screen.

M: Asalam Alaykum

Hubby❤: Walaykum Salam baby are you ready?

M: yeah am just packing up my things I'll be out at the sidewalk waiting

Hubby❤: I'll be there in 10 to 15 minutes... Sorry work was hectic today

M: here too to be honest am so tired I just want to sleep

Hubby❤: how's my baby doing?

M: *chuckles* really sad, missing daddy

Hubby❤: aw is that so well matter of time before you get to reunite with daddy babygirl

M: how you know it a girl?

Hubby❤: because I want a girl and it is a girl?

M: sureeee

I walk out of the car park then hear a loud horn. Just as I turn around to see who it was am being dragged away from the road.

"Raj?"I ask then scream when I see a man with a black mask hiding his identity.

"Wh-wo are you?",I stutter nervously.

He covers my mouth then drags me into the woods. I was about to scream for help when he covers my mouth then flashes out a gun so I keep my mouth shut.

Okay Abimbola you ain't no scared wimp. You can do this, you've rehearsed this day several times before and its here so just do it. But am carrying my baby now. Oh Allah please save me out of this. Please Allah please.

"What do you want?"I ask the mysterious man who suddenly slams me into a tree.

"I love you, I've been watching you ever since you got married to that idiot you call a husband, he's dome nothing but make you feel useless. I want you as my wife, the mother of my child which means this child you have here ain't cutting it. If you don't want it to die I want you to divorce him"he says.

*what? No am not going to divorce him for you. I don't even know you, and Raj is the only for me. I love him".

What I said seemed to make him angry because the next thing I felt were blows to every part of my body. It was so fast I couldn't even scream until after he moved away when the pain suddenly kicked in which made me let out a painful scream. Before I knew it tears were rushing down my face.

"Please it hurts",I cry then feel some liquid sliding down my legs.

His eyes widens then he runs away leaving me there. "Stop I need help",I beg him but he was already out of sight.


"So you didn't find her there? But her phone was on the floor smashed?",Viren asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Well it has to be her phone. Why else would she not be here, someone took her"I pace around the living room anxiously while biting my nails.

"Don't worry bhai, Aditya and his men are gone to investigate, you know Aditya will find her. He's the best cop yet",Amira says.

I sit on the bottom of the step and cover my face then my legs start shaking with worry.

"Raj beta she'll be okay just pray",mom says then she starts rubbing my head slowly.

"Aditya",I hear her gasp.

I look up to find Aditya walking into the house with Viren who looks worried.

"Did you find her?",I ask them.

"Yeah we did b-".

"You did? Where is she?".

"Hospital",Viren whispers.

"What?",we all gasp with shock. "Hospital?"I whisper to myself confused then look at Aditya who gives me a sad look.

"I'll explain later but whatever you do don't bring the situation up to her. The doctor said she's still in shock and anything that triggers her emotions or you know what I mean, it can affect the baby big time.....so don't talk about the accident",Viren explains to me.

I nod then grab my keys.


I walk into the hospital room where Abimbola is placed to find her holding her stomach with her eyes shut.

"Abimbola"I call.

She turns over towards me and smiles a little. Her smile drops then a tear falls.

"Hey baby its okay. Your okay now everything's okay",I whisper while holding her securely in my arms.

"You saved the baby, the doctor said if you hadn't come here the baby would've died",I whisper then smile and rub her cheeks with mg thumb. "Can we go home, I just want to sleep",she whispers.

"Sure come on",I help her up. I hold her waist and hand then walk out of the room.

"Sasha got me here. She found me near unconsciousness towards the river, she left just before you came in",she whispers.

"Sasha? The one from your sisters wedding?"



"Gotta remember to thank her then"I whisper.

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