(27) She's Right!

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"HEY BOLA",a voice yells loudly in my ear which made me jump around fast only to find a smiling Sasha behind me.

"Oh hey Sasha",I smile a little and pat a crying Kareem's back.

"Oh he's so adorable like",Sasha smiles and waves at Kareem who hides his face in my neck.

"How's Rajveer and your other son?",she asks nicely.

"Am not with him anymore and Kabeer is fine thanks",I mumble then walk past her and towards my car.

"Wait what? How's th- is it because of the photos of you that sidiq posted? Girrrl you look hot in that lingerie",she whistles loudly.

I stop walking and let what she just said sink in then turn around to face her.

"What photo?",I ask slowly as my nerves start to kick in.

"This",she takes out her iPhone X and unlocks it. She turns her phone towards me.

I gasp in shock looking at MY face MY body in her phone. In some red lingerie and laid in bed with no expression on my face which made it look like I was posing for the photo. Am naked with only the bra and panties to hide a bit.

"Sidiq has ruined my life"I whisper. My head starts pounding hard then tears follow.

"Thanks Sasha",I run to my car, open it and put Kareem in his car seat, get in myself then drive off before she could run after me.


I place my keys on the desk in my  apartment hall and shut the door with Kareem asleep in my arms.

"I get myself a mug of hot chocolate. I sit on the couch and switch on my phone. There's more than 50 missed calls from Maryam and 115 messages from her, all asking where I am and if am okay. There's 25 from Amira then 1 from Sidiq.

I click on his name and find pictures of myself. I shake my head then press on the phone button. He picks up instantly as if already knowing I'd call.

M: you ruined my marriage Sidiq

S: I told you, I don't play

M: your sinning

S: am claiming what's mine

M: am not a property, you can't choose what you want. You lied, made fake photos of me and posted then up. Sidiq you humiliated me in front of everyone, my husband, my in laws, my friends? My families. How could you do that. You got me pregnant too

S: all so we can be together and I won't stop at anything until I have you with me. Even if I have to kill that husband and children of yours

M: don't you dare go near my babies

S: don't worry, I won't. You did your part of the bargain. You let your husband believe there's an affair by not saying anything and I don't harm your babies so don't worry I won't

M: I hate you

S: oh but you used to love me

M: I didn't love Sidiq....I never did and I never will

S: yes you did

M: I didn't love you. You raped me you bastard. You beat me up, you impregnated me and humiliated me. Why won't you leave me alone?


Mno you shut up you ruined my life

S: he never did love you. He left you just like that without trusting that you couldn't do such a thing

M: he does. He's just naive. I will always love him Sidiq. No matter what.

S: oh really?

M: am taking you down Sidiq, I will make sure you have nothing to smile about. Just wait and see

And with that I hang up. I look at Kareem who's still asleep then at my stomach. I pick myself up and pick up my keys.

"Am not giving up. Baby am not giving up. You shouldn't have to be away from your brother for something like this",I kiss his forehead and eyes then walk out of my apartment.


"Am here can you please come",

"Yeah sure".

I hang up then look at Kareem once more. He looks so peaceful and happy. Please Allah please always keep him and his brother full with happiness and kindness.

Aisha walks out of the house with a sad look on her face.

"Hey",she gives me a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek then smiles a little.

"Are you sure about this?"she asks.

"I have to fight. Rianna's right. He won't stop if I don't do anything. I have to. For the sake of my sanity and my kids. Just please take care of them for me and Raj too".

"I will". She smiles then hugs me again.

"Bye baby. I'll see you later",I kiss Kareem once more than hand him with his car seat to Aisha. "Bye",I wave at them as she walks inside the house and once she disappears, I let the tears fall. I cover my mouth as sobs escape my lips. I run to my car and open the door. I look up at the window of my old room where Rajveer stands, staring down at me. I wipe my tears then get into my car. I put on my seatbelt then drive out of his driveway.

You don't mess with me and get away with it.

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