(10) What a Surprise

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I  walk down the stairs of my new massi- no LARGE house. Its just as how the wealthy Pakistani houses I watch in the series are heck even bugger. This is going to be super weird. Am the only Nigerian here, they even got two cooks and four cleaners. Plus Raj haven't spoken to me since last night.

I play with my first gets nervously as I get to the bottom of the steps. I hear whispering in the family dining room. "Morning Ma'am",Lindsey one of the cooks greets. "Oh please call me Bola. Morning Lindsey",I smile. She's middle aged and super nice with black curly hair that reaches her shoulders. She's so pretty.

"Everyone's eating you should go in"she says leading me into the dining room. "Oh morning babhi" Amira smiles and soon everyone looks up with bright smiles on their faces. "Hey beta how'd you sleep?",aunty asks.

"Good thank you um",I smile nervously. "Ooooh maybe we should get you tested because seems like you had the time of your life" Amira wiggles her eyebrows and Sarah laughs then highfives her. "Hey don't tease her like that"aunty smacks her shoulder then chuckles. "But maybe we should get you tested",aunty adds then the whole table bursts out laughing as my face heat up with awkwardness and embarrassment.

"Get who tested?",Raj says from behind me making me jump then move out the way so he can walk in.

"Babhi. Just to make sure when to start buying baby clothes",Amira winks.

I look at Raj who scoffs then takes a seat beside his brother Luqman. "Raj why are you so unromantic pull the chair out for her",Amira smacks his shoulder and he growls lowly at her. "Raj dear",aunty gives him a look. He sighs then gets up. "Nah its ight I got it",I mumble then pull out my own chair. "Can't even touch that either"I hear him mumble.  I glance at him then take a seat beside him.

I glance around the room awkwardly as Raj and his family are speaking in urdu of course I understand some of what they're saying but not all.
I just want to hide under a big hole and cover myself with rocks. "Beta are you okay?",I hear aunty ask. I look up slowly to find them all looking at me. "Oh am sorry beta we're being so disrespectful",she says.
I open my mouth to speak when my phone starts ringing. Oh Allah I love you so much.

"You can take it". I pick up my phone then stand up. "Who is it?",Raj asks. I look down at him then look st my phone. "Best friend?"I whisper. He shakes his head then stands up. "We Need to talk",he pulls me out of the room and up the stairs. "Raj stop what are you doing?".
"Keep quiet"he snaps. "Raj what's gotten into you",I pull away from him then he shuts the door and turns to me.

"I don't want you being friends with him no more",he blurts.

"Excuse me?"I raise an eyebrow.

"Does he know your married?"

"Yes of course b-

"Good delete his number. Am not asking you am telling you",and with that he storms out of our room.

What the freaking goodies just happened?


"Raj aunty said to give you this glass of orange juice to take with your pill",I place the glass on the table then turn to him. He plugs in Hus earphone and continues scrolling through his phone.

"Raj"I call a few times but he just ignores me.

I snatch his phone off, throw it on the desk then sit down in front of him while he just stares at me annoyed. Reminds me of the same look mom always throws me. The sane disappointed look I get every time. I guess am just made for it.

"There you go",I sigh and hand him his phone then get up quickly as I felt tears roll down my cheeks.
"Hey"he calls.
"What do you want Raj what exactly do you want? I don't have sex with you and you ignore and treat me like dirt. Your Acting like my parents. At least they took notice of me. This is worse than I thought",I snap then storm out of the room. "Abimbola",he calls.

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