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QOTD: Do you guys follow woman's football? If so who is your favourite player and what team do you support?

AOTD: I love Jordan Nobbs & Fran Kirby

Two Days Later

This morning I woke up quite early mainly because Dom is kicking off the work out sessions to get both Hannah and I ready for the new season, we are starting early so by the time it rolls around we are physically ready.

He ordered out a sports hall, where he made up a circuit which involved jumping rope, kettlebell exercises, a punch bag and a body pump. Which both changed round every ten minutes. He then also timed us to see how long we could plank for, which I managed to hold on for 15 minutes before I had to drop because my abs ached. We then finished off the session with a good old bleep testing.

I'm sure every PE teacher threw one of these at their students when they couldn't be bothered to split the class in half and become referee for the game which usually ends up them being in the middle of an argument.  I mean they had it pretty easy during those lessons, just sitting at the side with their clipboard and writing down what level you managed to get to, but it didn't really matter whether got to level 8 or 20. I remember no one else really cared about it, they throw in the towel pretty early so they could spend the rest of the lesson sitting and gossiping in their friendship group. Myself on the other hand took it seriously, I didn't care to be the one who was at the highest level of the class, I just wanted to beat two girls in particular. Let's just say my school and teachers were really good at putting the three of us as rivals, it was always out of us three who got picked as the football captain or the player of the term or school year and we pretty much hated each other.

I was concentrating on my breathing as I took long strides, we were currently half the length of the basketball court, while Hannah was running on the other side both meeting in the middle while Dom was stood with two stop watches in his hands.

I was quite nervous about leaving George as he was my agent since the very start but as soon as I knew it was good for my career to move on, Dom was instantly the first person I thought of. I love how hands on he is with his clients, he makes sure to give them all the same attention.

As the levels got higher the less time I had to recover for the next bleep to set off again. I felt my heart start pumping faster with my chest getting tighter as I puffed my cheeks out as I tried to race the next level. I could feel Dom's eyes on me which pushed me harder, I managed to get back to the middle of the pitch with seconds to try and catch my breath.


I set off again, taking long strides feeling like Usain Bolt in the 100m final getting the win, my ponytail was swinging madly behind my head which I could feel in my shoulders and back. I turned on the blue basketball line and made my way back towards the middle, I could see Hannah making her way back as well, her cheeks were puffed out as her eyes were squinted looking a lot like a Tiger catching his pray. We both approached Dom at the same time as soon as the Bleep appeared, I let out a small laugh and shook my head as I fell on the floor.

"If I run anymore I'll throw up my own heart" I groaned resting my arms on my forehead above my head.

"I think I have already done that" Hannah breathed out falling by my side.

I heard Dom laugh as he handed us both our bottled water. "Good session girls" he beamed patting my knee. "Have a few minutes break then we will start warming down" he smiled before fishing out his mobile and walking away from us.

I sat up noticing how sore I felt from my arms down to my feet even including how sore my throat was feeling. I gulped down my water feeling a lot happier when I felt the fresh cold liquid flow down my throat. I wiped my forehead and took deep breathes to make my breathing go back to a steady rate.


Once training was done we got ourselves refreshed before going out for a bite to eat for lunch together. Hannah ordered her standard a pizza, which she puts a hell of a lot of vegetables because apparently that means it isn't as unhealthy. I decided to go for a tuna salad, which isn't as nice as a chicken Caesar salad.

"So how are things with you?" I asked moving my hair off my shoulders.

She shrugged as she sipped her Diet Coke through the straw. "It's alright, just trying to get back to 100% after my injury" she stated.

She unfortunately got injured quite early in the season, no one thought it was a big injury but she missed most of the season due to it. Only playing ten minutes in the last game of the season, just to get some minutes under her belt. We spoke a lot due to her injury as she told me her worries as she cried because she thought she wouldn't have a future in Arsenal because of the new girls they brought in due to her getting hurt. It was tough not being there for her.

"You'll be back soon and be bigger and better than ever" I smirked giving her a small wink as we were definitely having a déjà vu moment with us in a change of role.

She let out a massive sigh as she leaned on her hand. "I just want it to hurry up" she groaned. "Dom approached me earlier asking about if I wanted to go on loan"

I bite my lip knowing she was feeling the pressure. "Hey it could be a good idea!" I pointed out. "Sure I had G to lean on but the girls were so welcoming knowing that you are completely new to the whole culture" I explained.

She nodded as she played with her plait. "Are you willingly for me to take your golden boot trophy?" She chimed making me roll my eyes at her sudden confidence.

"I'll like to see you try sugar" I joked throwing my napkin at her which gained a look from the middle age couple sat beside us.

She laughed crinkling her nose up. "Honestly I didn't think you'd remember about little old me" she joked.

"Do you know how many people have said that to me?" I questioned raising my eyebrows at her. "Anyway changing the subject, I heard from a little birdy that something might be going on with yourself an a certain Geordie YouTube" I smiled coyly at her.

I could tell she was blushing which she was trying to hide as she took a sip of her drink and avoiding my eye line which just made me laugh.

"Let me guess that birdy is named Gee?"

I shrugged saying silent hoping she would give me more information, but she said quiet herself. "You could just tell me or I'll call him myself!" I raised my eyebrows at her holding up my phone.

She quickly grabbed my phone. "It's a new thing, we aren't putting too much pressure on it but I like him a lot" she smirked trying to hold off her Cheshire Cat smile.

I laughed as I leaned back in my chair. "I ship it! I told you us Geordies are the best kind of people" I smiled making her scoff.

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