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Two Days Later

"Are you sure you shouldn't go to the doctors?" Mere asked me for the hundredth time today as she followed me hot on my tail.

"No Meredith. I was hit with a bottle of water not a bloody wooden bat"

"Well whatever it was has clearly affected your head if you have to take tablets" she pointed out as she crossed her arms.

I shook my head as I popped two tablets in my mouth and followed it with some green tea. "My head is completely fine! You and this, that's a different story" I joked as I pointed at her mouth which made her bite my finger playfully.

There was a sudden loud knocks on the door which gained both our attentions, Mere pushed the paper bag towards me which had our waffles in as she skipped towards the hallway. I got two plates out the cupboards as my legs were in the middle of another argument between Shearer and Pickles. I heard voices but I couldn't make out who they were as it was muffled.

I bent down and picked up Shearer to save him from the beast, as I stood up I was faced with both Simon and JJ with a concerned looking Mere who made sure she was inbetween the three of us.

"I hope you have searched him, I don't fancy getting attacked again with another plastic bottle" I said half joking making myself laugh more than anyone else.

JJ stepped forward asking permission for Mere, he walked over to me slowly and put his arms out making me step towards him.

"I'm sorry" he whispered, gently rubbing my back. "I didn't mean to hurt you, you know I would never mean to hurt you" I felt my eyes fill with tears as my eyes connected with Simon, who now had Sting in his arms.

"It was pretty stupid" I spoke as I pulled away from him. "I was only trying to stop anything from happening" I explained.

I heard a little snicker come from Simon which made me turn my attention to him. "Cause heaven forbid anything happens to Weller" he snapped.

"Are we really going to have this conversation again?" I frowned as Shearer licked my ear, which seems to be his favourite thing.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out on the balcony, he closed the door keeping a barrier between us and Mere and JJ. As the door was firmly closed he dropped his grasp.

"How many times do I have to say there is nothing going on between Joe and I?" I frowned at him as I placed Shearer down.

He raised his eyebrows at me and pulled his phone and turned it around to show me something. I stared into his eyes seeing his blue eyes were a lot darker, indicating that he was pissed. My eyes flickered down to see a blurred photo which I noticed was of Joe and I on the stage with my hands on his face as our foreheads were placed together.

"So what was you saying?" He snapped as he placed his phone back into his pocket.

I could feel my hands become more sweaty and a lump in my throat. "No...Nothing happened!"

"BULLSHIT!" He shouted as he punched the glass of the door beside my head which made me jump.

"It was an innocent kiss, I was upset and hurt and..."

He instantly cut me off with a sarcastic comment. "Are you going to blame it on your head injury again?" He frowned. "Because that makes you do real stupid things doesn't it, I mean we slept together after one of your head injuries!" He shot back.

I bite my lip as we just stared each other down.

"I thought that this engagement would make things better, stopping all these arguments and stupid splits before we just fall back into bed together" I spoke truthfully.

He nodded as he kept his arms crossed. The door opened with Mere standing inbetween us. "I think you should leave" she spat.

"No, you don't get to walk away from us" I spoke as my voice became shaky. "You have fucked up many times before, when I do it once you just call it quits?" I frowned.

He let out a deep breath. "I'm not calling it quits" he said looking at me before he slipped past Mere and walked away with JJ.

I could feel my anger raise inside me, I grabbed a cushion which was on the sofa and threw it at the window and screamed as I fell to my knees in tears.

"Hey he'll come around" Mere whispered. "He always does, he loves you too much to let you go"


Simon's Pov

"Wait you are saying you went all guns blazing at her for kissing Joe and you are the one who fucked Talia behind her back!" JJ hissed as he paced back and forth infront of me.

I groaned as I kept my head on the table infront of me trying to stop the intense headache that I was currently suffering with.

"You slept with Talia? Simon you fucktard!" Tobi groaned.

I raised my head up to see Freya, Josh and Tobi all stood with JJ, all looking like they could all kill me right this second.

"I know I fucked up! Don't you think I know that!" I explained before hiding my face in my hands. "There is nothing more than I want to marry her and spend the rest of my life with her" I spoke softly.

JJ leant on the table getting down on my level. "Well buck your ideas up!"

"Wait!" Freya said slowly. "You guys have thought about marriage?" She questioned looking like a dog as she tilted her head sideways.

I nodded slowly and looked between the four of them. "I proposed to her with a haribo ring before she left for Paris" I explained not really keeping eye contact with anyone.

I heard someone grumble which made me look up to see Josh pinching his nose. "So not only have you cheated on your girlfriend but in fact you have cheated on your fiancé"

"Yeah thanks for that Josh" I rolled my eyes at him before dropping my head back onto the table.

"I think it'll be better if you tell her yourself rather than her getting to hear it from someone else" Freya pointed out.

"Meaning Talia would probably talk?" Tobi added.

I stayed quiet mainly trying to work out what I was going to do, mainly to hurt Yasmine and not throw everything away by this stupid mistake. I felt sick to my stomach that I have hurt her again, I never wanted to be the one who makes her cry at night and for me doing it again makes me hate myself.

"I can talk to her" Freya admitted. "Keep her quiet, until you speak to Yas" she added.

I shook my head. "No, I'll talk to her and I'll make sure I'm the one to speak to Yasmine" I explained. "I just need help, with someone" I said as I looked up at Tobi.


I've just got WAY to emotional from the Harry & Meghan wedding. I mean how handsome did he look & how beautiful did she look. You could feel so much love between the two of them as they shared glances at each other.

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