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Third Person

After a stressful day in the gym with Dom all Yasmine wanted to do was have a shower and have cuddles with the only boys in her life and have a peaceful sleep until around mid afternoon.

As the elevator door pinged open the petite brunette pushed her body off the side and stepped out as she rummage through her bag for her front door keys, which seemed to be harder than expected despite the massive key ring collection. She found them as she turned the corner and instantly finding Simon by her front door. She found herself quickly turning around and ready to use her footballing feet and leg it back down the hall but it was too late, his attention turned to her which made his mood shift as he thought she was ignoring him from inside the flat again.

"You can't avoid me forever Yas" he joked trying to lighten the mood.

She rolled her eyes knowing there was no way of getting out of this now. "I could if I decide to run away and change my identity" she found herself joking as she pushed the door open.

She threw her training kit down and let go of the door making it hit him as he walked through. He let out a deep sigh knowing that this is going to take a lot of work as she was quite happy with herself. They walked through the apartment in silence, Simon's eyes were staring at her back of the head as he couldn't help but think how different she looked with newly dyed hair, she almost looked like a different person.

He watched every movement trying to read her calmly as she is pretty unpredictable, she opened the fridge and fanned the cold air on her arm before fishing out a bottle of water. She felt his eyes on her at all time, she just thought he was waiting for the right time to talk but as it didn't come she looked over at him. It was the first time she truly looked at him, his eyes were a lot darker and he had some stubble on his chin from a few days missing shaving, which made her want to crinkle her nose up.

"So what's your excuse this time?" She asked quite calmly, which made Simon quite nervous. "A drunken mistake maybe? Just some practise?" She shrugged it off light heartedly. He was about to speak but she put her hand up. "I don't know what hurts the most.The fact I had to hear it from her or the fact I actually thought you loved me" she explained as she felt herself getting more and more angry.

It broke him how hurt she looked and it was all down to him. He should be the one to protect her from getting hurt not the one doing it to her.

"I wanted to tell you" he whispered.

She scoffed not believing him. "Bullshit Simon! You went all guns blazing at me when you found out I kissed Joe! Bet you loved that didn't you!" She snapped. "Me looking like the bad guy, the reason why the relationship broken down again!"

"I understand why you did it" he spoke truthfully.

Their eyes connected, his soft glance as she shot him a glare.

"You understand?" She scoffed as she walked towards her balcony as she started to feel hot and bothered. "You mean you want to draw a line in the sand and just forget that you have fucked up again? That you hurt me? That you have spat my heart out and crushed it into a million pieces?"

He followed hot on her tail, as they got outside she started pacing back and forth as she massaged her temples. He could tell when she was getting more angry by her voice, she seems to get even more Geordie that has seemed to have mellowed out.

"We have both fucked up! And I still love you Yas. Everything I said back at the cafe before you left for Paris, I meant everything single word" he spoke up. "I want to call you my wife Yasmine and I want you by my side everyday because whatever life throws at us I know we will be able to overcome it together"

Nothing Else Matters - Miniminter Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin