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HI YOU! Thanks for dropping by
I've noticed Ive not really watching The Sidemen anymore & I don't really feel connected to them that I did before & I think this is why I'm feeling rather disconnected with this story and I'm not sure what to do next going forward...
I mean I LOVE the story & the character build up, but it's hard to write about people I'm not interested in anymore (please tell me you understand where I'm coming from!)

JJ's  Pov

I walked into the kitchen as I scrolled through my socials liking some posts who were talking about my latest diss track. I looked up spotting Simon and Yas standing awkwardly as if I had just interrupted something. Simon had his eyes stuck on the blonde as Yasmine rolled her eyes at me.

I've had Simon on my back for the last few days asking what is going on between the two of us, I haven't told him mainly because I don't even know myself. I know she isn't happy with the disstrack mainly targeted at Weller.

She walked two steps away from Simon as she picked up her keys from the side. "I'm going to call it a night" she whispered avoiding our eye contact before she pushed passed me, I managed to move my shoulders before she could make contact.

"Yas Wait!" Simon called out, stepping towards the door.

"Call when your head isn't stuck up his arse!" She shot back at him which made my attention turn towards her, which made her frown at me.

As the door slammed shut Simon let out a dramatic sigh as he leaned on the table. "What was that all about?" I questioned as I walked over to the fridge and got out my grapes.

"She's pissed at you man, and now also pissed at me because I stood up for you" he explained as his head rested on the cold marble table.

I rolled my eyes at the blonde who was being over dramatic. "Of course she does, she bloody loves Weller!"

"She cares about him and I don't think it's really about him, she is still sensitive about everything that happened last year" He explained.

I nodded. "I would understand her being pissed if I said it about her but I never mentioned her! Joe is the one who outed her situation" i pointed out making him nod in agreement. "I don't want you guys to have an argument because of me, at the end of the day I only said it to get at Weller, I didn't realise how much fuss it would make" I said honestly.

"Mental health effects everyone Jide" he added as he stole some of my grapes. "I'll always have your back though buddy and Yas will come through"

I laughed as I throw a grape in my mouth. "She definitely won't talk to me when I beat him up" I added playfully making us both laugh.

Yasmine's Pov

"Welcome home Yasmine! If you could explain your time at PSG with three words, what would it be?" The young ginger guy asked from the side of the camera.

"Three words?" I questioned. "Friendships, goals and golden boot" I thought carefully. "Golden boot being one word, obviously" I laughed making him laugh.

He nodded as smiled. "You scored a lot of goals last season, which would you say was your favourite?"

I bite my lip as I thought through them all. "Probably my first one. I was just so happy that I was finally off the mark after questioning myself that being out here was a good idea" I explained. "It also helped that it was just an instinct and I just put my left boot on the end of it" I smiled.

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