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Third Person

JJ felt his body tense up as he spotted the blonde hold onto Popeyes wrist as she directed him across the room to lead him out the room. He tuned out his friends who were stood infront of him talking about some shit as he bent down and picked a bottle water up and looked from his hand to the muscled YouTuber.

Joe felt his body ease up as the blonde grabbed his wrist, feeling as if electricity ran through his body from the heat from her body. He let her lead the way as she kept her head down as if she was hiding, hoping to not grab anyone's attention, knowing that it would probably cause an argument from JJ even though Ethan urged her to get them separated.

As JJ launched the bottle water which went flying over peoples heads going unnoticed, Yasmine turned her head and looked back at Joe who gave her a small smile before she suddenly felt something hit her square on the forehead. Which gained everyone's attention making them all make a noise as if they were reacting to a pantomime villain. JJ stood still as he realised it hit his friend, Josh instantly started yelling at him as Ethan rushed to her side as she stood in shock as she felt her friends rush to her aid, with Joe getting pushed to the side as his eyes roamed the room and suddenly noticing JJ instantly reading he was at fault.

Yasmine's Pov

I instantly dropped Joe's arm as I felt something hit me square in the face feeling my nose sting. I covered my face with my hand as I let out a small whimper at the impact and the shock.

"Shit" Freya appeared holding my head in her hands.  "Look at me" she instructed making me open my eyes seeing her worried face.

I peered to my side to see Joe's back to me, completely uninterested that I had just got hurt. I looked around the room hoping to find Simon was making his way over but I couldn't find him instead I stopped at JJ who was giving me a sympathetic look.

"YOU FUCKER!" I screamed pulling out of Freya's grasp. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I shouted as Joe grabbed me stopping me getting any closer.

"Calm down" he whispered in my ear.

I kept eye contact with him as I felt tears appear in my eyes, I shook my head at him one last time before turning on my heels and running out.

I ran to the bathroom and studied my forehead seeing there was a bump coming up already. My eyes ran down my face and noticed blood coming out my nose. I turned the tap on and splashed it over my face not caring about my make up or if anyone was going to walk in.

The door opened which made me turn around and quickly running into the cubicle locking the door behind me and sit on the seated toilet pulling my knees up to my chest and crying.

"Yas darling open up" Gee's soft voice echoed through the empty bathroom.

"Go away! I'm fine" I sniffed.

I heard her sigh. "Babe I don't think you're fine. You just got attacked by a friend and you are now crying in a cubicle" she whispered.

I stayed quiet and jumped up and unlocked the door, she stepped in locking the door behind her, she sat down and pulled me on her lap cuddling me.

"Where's Mere?" I whispered, not liking having my cousin with me.

"She chased after Jide with G and Frey" she explained. "I don't think you'll have to worry about him once they have finished with him" she joked making us both let out a pathetic giggle.


Simon's Pov

I walked down the row of some chairs searching for a missing bracelet of Talia's who was a few rows ahead of me. I could feel her eyes on me but I decided to ignore her as I wanted to get to find Yasmine as I haven't seen her since her argument.

"Are you happy with her?" Her voice broke my trail of thoughts making me look up at her, giving her a questioning look. "Yasmine? Are you happy with her?" She added.

I nodded as I gave her a small laugh. "Yeah, What sort of question is that?"

She shrugged. "Just from where I am sat it doesn't look like you are in love with her anymore. I saw you during the argument, the way you were looking at her and how you just let her run off and immediately was laughing with Jide like nothing happened" she pointed out.

"The thing with Jide and Yas is that you just need to let them sort their shit out themselves, they are both stubborn but at the end of the day they both love and respect each other" I admitted.

She nodded as she stood right infront of me. "I just don't see what you guys have in common with each other" she explained. "I mean you are happy and easy to talk to, Yasmine is uptight and quite frankly a bitchy" she added.

I couldn't help but chuckle at how brutal she was being even though she was completely wrong.

"Ok and who does Talia Mar think I should be with?" I asked mainly to just humour her.

She shrugged as she stared deeply into my eyes, I felt her move closer to me, putting her hand on my cheek and her lips brushed against mine. She opened her eyes as her breath hitched, I angled my head and gave her a small kiss before I quickly pulled her closer and deepened the kiss.


Yasmine's Pov

I finally managed to get some alone time to think about the events of the day. The only way I managed to do so was legging it the other way when Gee got preoccupied, I mean bless her she means well.

I found myself in the game stage, I wrapped my arms around myself as I walked down the aisle of the cold room and jumped on stage and fell back on the black sofa.

I was still completely shocked at the fact the guys nearly had it out on stage just a few steps away from me. I was even more shocked at the fact Jide threw a bottle at me, ok noted it was for Weller but surely it was SO obvious it was highly likely it would hit the wrong person. (I guess we all learnt that Jide has shit aiming)

I let out a small giggle at my childish thoughts as I rubbed my hands over my sore face.

"Yas" a voice appeared making my whole body freeze. "You there?" The male voice appeared again.

I sat up and instantly spotted Weller, who was a lot closer than I first thought that made me yelp.

"Jesus!" I breathed holding my hand.

He laughed as he sat beside me. "I'm sorry" he whispered as he pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead gently.

I shrugged. "Don't worry"

"No I mean for everything" he spoke. "The reason for your arguments with Simon and now with Jide and obviously getting hit"

I looked at him seeing that his eyes showed his sadness. "It's alright Popeye" I laughed knocking into him playfully.

"I don't get that. Was that supposed to be a diss? He is dissing someone who is in better shape than him" he whispered in complete confusion.

I laughed. "He's jealous of these bad boys" I joked as I let my hand run down his bicep. "I mean would you blame them" I added as I stared at them.

I quickly snapped out of it as I lifted my eyes to see him staring at me intensely. He gave me his famous Weller smirk and I felt myself move closer to him and quickly pulled his face into me with our foreheads touch as I ran my thumb over his plump lips.

"Joe" I whispered as I opened my eyes to see his blue looking back.

"Yasmine" he whispered back as he moved his head playfully making our noses touch together, I giggled at his silliness and instantly leaned in with a long kiss.


JJ hits Yasmine with a bottle, which was meant for Weller.
Simon doesn't know about anything that has just happened and kisses Talia.
Yasmine is confused with the whole day and ends the night with a sore head and kissing Weller.
Why does it always have to be Weller?

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