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A Month Later

It's been a month since Simon had proposed and it was fair to say that the two haven't really been planning much for the big day. The two wanted to enjoy the engagement stage but not wait too long for them to tie the knot, it was fair to say that they were excited to spend the rest of their lives together- but they had to overcome a few obstacles until that can happen.

Yasmine was very set in not losing Lloyd which Simon semi understood but he thought it came with the territory of getting married. But he couldn't help but think that Lloyd-Minter had a ring to it. They were in talks about their housing situation, which they were in agreement about living bang in the middle of the sidemen house and her current apartment, so they weren't too far away. They have had a few conversations about who Yasmine will have as her bridesmaids and who she will ask to give her away, along with Simons best men. The one thing Yasmine knew was that she wanted to have Simon's mother highly involved, which she was overjoyed with.

The only think that they had agreed on is that they didn't want a big oversized marriage, they wanted to keep it quite small, surrounded by the people who they cared about.


Yasmine walked slowly with her hands trailing along the full rail filled with different types of white dresses. Who would of thought that there was millions to chose from, when you are just wearing it for one day of your life, but there is a pressure of getting a beautiful dress to show the growing family. She didn't really know what type she wanted, which was probably a shock to everyone due to about of years she had to think of it. BUT she always wanted a massive dress like My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding but clearly now she knew that's not what she wanted. She wanted it make her feel like a princess, showing off the right parts of her body. But also practical with the days activity.

Meredith and Simons mother was sat drinking champagne chatting to the dress maker and drying on tiaras,  because apparently that's what you do in a bridal shop.

The blonde ran her hand down a dress feeling the soft feathers, she grabbed the tag and glanced at the six number figured. Since when was dresses so bloody expensive!

"Would we be able to have another bottle" the sharp Geordie accent asked, making the two giggle like school girls.

She peered over my shoulder to see the brunette leave, leaving the three of us alone. Lloyd let out a dramatic sigh and fell on the seat beside Minter, resting her head on her shoulder.

"Why is this SO stressful, and we aren't even started" the blonde groaned. "I mean it's for one day, why can't I just get married in a hoodie and some jeans" she pouted.

They both laughed. "Don't say that, Simon would probably take you up on that"

The older lady took the young footballers hands into her own and gave her a smile, which was covering most of her face.

The women reappeared with another bottle, she popped the cork which made the two women cheer as if they were watching Channing Tatum take off his gear in Magic Mike. Shit! My bachelorette is 100% going to have a stripper. Which is already making my skin crawl.

"So Yasmine, what style of dresses are you interested in?" The women spoke for the first time to me.

I shrugged, as I felt a migraine appearing.

Her face grew in a massive smirk. "Great! This is my favourite part, let's try on loads of dresses. Just call me your fairy god mother!" She gushed, pulling my hand to stand up and pushed me into the changing room.


After a long day filming with the boys Simon walked into his fiancées apartment, it was weirdly quiet. He checked his phone to see it was already 6:30, which meant she should probably be back from dress shopping with my Mum and Meredith. He put my bag filled with food on the side and walked towards her bedroom where he could hear music playing quietly. Simon pushed the door open and found the blonde sat infront of her wardrobe with a white dress on her lap.

"Yas" he whispered trying to not scare her.

She turned her head slowly and gave her prize winning smile. "Hey" she whispered slowly.

He walked over to her and sat beside her wrapping his arm around her and kissed her shoulder. "What have you got there?"

He felt her body shudder, he turned to look at her face to see her eyes were red and puffy and her skin was tear soaked.

"It's my mothers" she whispered. "I went dress shopping today and hated every single moment"

She felt his lips turn up into a small smile making her turn to look at him. "I want to revamp the dress, maybe snip a few places and add some details to make it look newer" she spoke.

"If that's what you want" he spoke running his fingers through her curly hair. "I shouldn't be looking at it then should I? Bad luck and that" he joked putting his hand over his eyes.

She couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, she put her hands on his wrist and pulled them away from his face. She caressed his cheek which he was watching trying to read what she was going to do next.

She kissed his lips slowly gently biting his bottom lips, he let out a soft groan before she pulled away making him pout. They stayed quiet just looking at each other deep in the eyes.

"You know I wouldn't care if you wore a dustbin bag, as long as I get to spend the rest of my life with you, nothing else matters"

A small grin appeared on their faces. "Nothing else matters" Yasmine repeated, kissing the corner of his mouth.

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